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Argument Assignment On Should Marijuana be legalized?

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Whether, or not marijuana usage should be legalized has been a raging debate for a long time now. There are those who strongly believe that this drug should be abolished and its usage should be discouraged in the strongest way possible. On the other hand, there are those who sharply disagree with this idea.

Whether, or not marijuana usage should be legalized has been a raging debate for a long time now. There are those who strongly believe that this drug should be abolished and its usage should be discouraged in the strongest way possible. On the other hand, there are those who sharply disagree with this idea. 
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Should Marijuana be legalized?
For a long time now, there has been a heated debate on the legalization of marijuana with different views emerging around the debate of marijuana. There are those who strongly believe that this drug should be abolished and its usage should be discouraged and on the other hand, there are those who believe that marijuana just like any other medical drug should be legalized for general public use. According to a 2014 article by John Hawkins from Town Hall, on “5 Reasons Marijuana Should Remain Illegal” marijuana should remain illegal. Hawkins claims that marijuana usage is extremely addictive for some people and addictions can prove difficult to deal with in the long run. Secondly, he claims that the experimentation of marijuana legalization in Amsterdam has not been successful and their citizens have complained on the exposure of their children to marijuana. Thirdly, Hawkins claims that marijuana affects both the physical and mental health of the users. Finally, he claims that marijuana destroys lives and the social systems of family and friends due to overdependence on marijuana. I strongly disagree with Hawkins. I think it should be legalized. I believe that people should be allowed to freely use marijuana without fear of harassment or discrimination from others. Law enforces must stop hunting down marijuana users with the same vehemence as they do on hard drug users and peddlers. Marijuana should not be put in the same category as other drugs like cocaine and heroin.
The country’s economic level will only develop if many business activities are going on in the country. In this case, they pay more revenue to the state in the form of taxes. If Marijuana is legalized, many people will set up businesses for selling it openly without hiding and in turn, tax will be paid to the government. In the year 2014 the Colorado state legalized the retail sale of marijuana. Since the year 2014, the state has collected a lot of revenue in terms of taxes, license fee and revenue fee. In 2014 they collected $ 67, 574,323, in 2015 they collected $130, 411, 173, in 2016 they collected $193, 604, 810 and in 2017 as from January to September they collected $181, 981, 627 (Colorado Department of Revenue: colorado.gov). The funds collected from the lucrative businesses have been set aside to develop other sectors of the Colorado economy. In the year 2014 the money was set aside and funded to Colorado schools to hire health professionals. It is important to note that whether legalization of marijuana is done or not, people will continue to sell it and the users to use it. The government choosing to legalize marijuana will mostly benefit from the marijuana, and if not, those who sell it illegally are the ones who will continue to enjoy the benefits despite the restriction by the government (David: Web).
Marijuana as a drug has many medicinal health benefits to the human body. Studies reveal that there exist medicinal marijuana, which is commonly used to treat nausea, chronic pain glaucoma, helps control epileptic seizures, stops cancer from spreading, slows down anxiety, stops the spread of Alzheimer’s disease among many other diseases (Welsh & Loria, businessinsider.com). It has been able to heal many people, unlike other drugs categorized with marijuana (Rockville, pg 120). Other studies also have uncovered the fact that marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes. For example, marijuana has been able to reduce tumors. According to a report by The Health Centre (THC), a very active ingredient in marijuana has been proven to reduce tumor growth in laboratory mice and human tissue. The chemical triggers certain receptors that prevent tumors from growing (Welsh & Loria, businessinsider.com). Marijuana also has been used to improve the lungs hence enabling them to function effectively. Unlike other drugs, for instance cigarette smoking that damages the lungs, marijuana smokers often show greater lung capacities than non-users. Marijuana has benefits to the brains by boosting the level of creativity at least to a degree as per the studies. These facts contradict Hawkins arguments that marijuana affects the mental and physical health of the users. Due to its medical health benefits, marijuana should therefore be legalized.
Legalization of marijuana will help in reducing the number of offenses in a profound extent. People thought that marijuana is a gateway drug and cannot possibly help the society. The statement is false according to a careful research conducted. The research was about studying the data concerning crime rate from Denver police department in Colorado. The report says that crime rates started falling after the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. Offenses such as sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery, and homicide have reduced. The report also pointed out that violent crimes dropped by 6.9% during the first four months of 2014. Burglary, auto theft, larceny and motor theft marked a decline of 11%. Relating the report to the reality for example, in an environment where the use of ...
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