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Unique Standards And Expectations Both Men And Women Conform

Essay Instructions:

The Essay is about gender norm. The detailed instruction is attached in the files. So the professor wants us to pick two stories from several stories. I have picked "The Beauty Treatment" and "The Birthmark". They are also attached in the files. I would like to talk about the beauty norm. Please decide a thesis for the essay.
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Please email back to me before 23:59, Oct 23rd.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Beauty Norm
Every culture or societies have unique standards and expectations that both men and women conform. Thus, such standards control how people act and such expectations are internalized from tender age throughout the life. Beauty norm is a gender norm that entails the socially constructed perception on physical attractiveness as an asset among the women. Therefore, women strive to live up to the notion and maintain it due to the hetero-normative beliefs regardless of the sexual orientations. In both “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorn and "The Beauty Treatment" by Stacey Richter, the narrators through their perspectives show the misconceptions of beauty norm as a gender norm. The two stories of Hawthorn and Richter portray beauty norm in different aspects. While Richter brings out the beauty in the form of material and luxury life destined to maintain the physical appearance of the body, Hawthorn brings out beauty as the inner content of love, general nature and confidence in a person. The two Authors layout their narrations on beauty norm using female characters and their differences in understanding beauty norm in society. Beauty norm in the society is highly taking the physical, visual aspect and ownership in the young generation at the expense of personal assurance, confidence, loving heart and general nature with femininity at the center stage.
Beauty is at the heart of a person, not materials. Hawthorn in the story “The Birthmark” uses Georgiana a female character who understands beauty norm and love for her husband as the society requires. She gives a deaf ear to the masculinity perception of men and their demeanors to women in society due to physical impairments. Georgiana tries in vain to educate her husband Aylmer on the true meaning of beauty which is not the physical appearance. Aylmer discriminatively talks of the birthmark scar on her wife's cheek. He says, "Ah, upon another face perhaps it might…but never on yours. No, dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature that this slightest possible defect, which we hesitate whether to term a defect or beauty, shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection" (Hawthorne 5). However, Georgiana would only reply with compassion and love. Furthermore, she is willing to do anything to ensure that her husband is happy. Georgiana says, "Save on your account, my dearest Aylmer. I might wish to put off this birthmark of mortality by relinquishing mortality itself in preference to any other mode. Life is but a sad possession to those who have attained precisely the degree of moral advancement at which I stand. Was I weaker and blinder it might be happy? Were I stronger, it might be endured hopefully. But, being what I find myself methinks I am of all mortals the fittest to die" (Hawthorne 17). In the episode, Georgiana shows beauty in her heart and tenderness. By nature, she reveals calmness and truthfulness of her feeling. However, her husband is adamant to remove the scar. In the end Aylmer the best love of his life. He admits that indeed the fatal hand scar was the very bond that kept their union with the mortal frame (Hawthorn 19).
On the contrary, Richter uses material wealth to illustrate the current concept of beauty norm. The persona shows that women are glued to the unattainable physical beauty with boundless tasks. The female bodies usually need to make ups hence they love self-improvement instead their societal actions. The author objectifies women according to the femininity and sustains their status by beauty norms as a source of their power. The narrator s obsessed with wealth and mundane life. However, she is in desperate need to change her life. She struggles to be the center of attention and gives an awkward stor...
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