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English As A Discipline Value Of English Studies And Skills

Essay Instructions:

original essay about English as a discipline and how you will move forward with your professional goals. The essay should have a balance of evidence from researched sources and personal experience/narrative to elucidate your points.

This essay should discuss the importance and significance of English as a discipline in higher education as well as its usefulness beyond college.

Once you have addressed English as a discipline, consider your own professional goals. In other words, now that you have earned a degree in English, what will you do with it? How might you build upon it?

Here is a suggested way of organizing your essay. Sections below can be more than one paragraph if needed.

Introductory paragraph reflecting on your work as an English major or minor. Why did you choose to study English? Some personal narrative here. E.g. https://www(dot)huffingtonpost(dot)com/entry/why-my-humanities-degree-is-anything-but-useless_us_58f61316e4b048372700db61

Value of English studies in your college education. What is status of the discipline and its worth and applicability in our society?

Value of English studies and skills you have gained for the workplace. How can you apply your knowledge and skills towards your professional goals?

Conclusion. What are your thoughts for the future, such as your 5-10 year plan?

The essay should range from 5-7 pages and must include a minimum of 4 credible sources that you have found through original research for this essay. The quality of the sources will be a factor in the grade for this work. The best way to filter out non-credible web sources is to use the UMUC Library databases for your searches.

Though you will be writing in your personal voice and using first person, be certain that the writing contained in this essay is of professional quality. Envision this essay as being submitted for publication in a magazine or alumni newsletter; it will help you to maintain that professional tone and presentation.

Use normal English language, avoid passive voice and old bookish expressions. It should flow and read well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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English as a Discipline
In life, I have encountered people who question the applicability of different things. These people are cynical about almost everything in life. They disregard what appears important to some people and believe what they are doing to be of greatest importance. Well, talking to such a person is difficult because they will always justify what they are doing and esteem themselves. I have had numerous encounters with these people and even though I regard myself as strong, I always end up discouraged and reconsidering my steps. Studying English can be challenging with such people whispering discouraging venom. These people question the validity of studying English and believe the sciences rule the world. To them, the sciences are the world and have helped build it to where it is today.
Writing about English as a discipline is not easy. It has to be personal and the connection to it cannot be feigned. For me, English as a discipline is necessary for the world. Growing up, I saw a lot of things happen around me. I saw history repeating itself, I saw people go through pain, I saw a people disconnected with the world and with each other, and I also saw people lose touch with the fundamental elements of humanity. These are essential aspects of the world but that are hidden and ignored because people believe the humanities, and especially, English does not matter. For me, it is personal because I desire a world where people value creativity, the opinions of others, and homogeneity or cohesion. Reading offers me the best opportunity to hear the thoughts of others and to understand the aspect of diversity. It has helped me consider the present by analyzing the past, and it has also helped me become a responsible member of society. I have interacted with the author’s creativity and seen how they can impact the world. George Orwell wrote 1984 and through his eyes, the world has come to appreciate the creativity of man who published a book in 1949. Orwell’s book is now as relevant as any book that is written in the current decade because through his imagination, he foresaw something and wrote about it. There is no doubt in my mind that those who have read his book appreciate the value of literature and to an extent the value of English as a discipline albeit not all.
In my college education, the value of English is not in question. In a 1964 speech by Burton, he suggested that English as a discipline encompass six facets. These include English linguistics, rhetoric, research technique, literature, philosophy and sociology of American education, and nature of learning (3). Through each of these facets, one can see the world differently. Linguistics, for example, go deeper and help in understanding people and their history. Literature, on the other hand, helps to showcase the possibilities and creativity of people. Through these facets, one is able to amass or develop subtle ways of understanding and seeing the world. Currently, there are designated or defined ways to view the world. Living in these bubbles kills creativity and makes it impossible to appreciate the limitless power of the human mind. I prefer a world where people can dream and project those dream to the world. In college, having such a mindset is crucial. It allows one to grow and to appreciate the opportunity to learn. College students need to have a voice and this comes by having a mind of their own. English as a discipline teaches this but only a few of us ever get to taste this freedom to see the world through a different set of eyes. College is where one develops into a responsible individual of the society but without a mind of my own, I will, like many, unknowingly fit within a system.
In society, English can also be an answer to a lot of thin...
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