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Direct-to-consumer drug advertising

Essay Instructions:
For your second paper you are to consider a particular case, namely, that of direct-to-consumer drug advertising. The details of the case are set forth on pp 319-320 of your text. You are to decide if direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceutical drugs is ethical. Does the advertising lead to self-diagnosis or take advantage of someone's hope for a cure? If you decide that the direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals is ethical, why is the U.S. and New Zealand the only two developed countries that allow it? Whether you decide the advertising is ethical or unethical, argue your case from a deontological point of view. That means that you may use and apply Kant's categorical imperative, or Rawl's principles of justice. Remember, a deontological approach mandates that one's duty is to do what is morally right and to avoid what is morally wrong, regardless of the consequences. In arguing your case, assume that you are writing for a general audience, and write in such a way as to try to convince your readers that you are correct in your moral judgment. To do this you will have to present and develop your arguments along one or more of the deontological approaches. After presenting your initial argument, consider at least one argument on the other side. This antithetical argument may be either deontological or utilitarian in nature. Then answer that alternative argument. Your paper should come to a definite conclusion concerning the case.In summary: (1) choose which deontological method you will use and indicate that method; (2) use that method, developing the argument in support of your case; (3) present and answer an argument on the other side; and (4) draw the conclusion to which your argument leads you. Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length. As with all of your papers, it should be formatted double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins and will include a properly formatted works cited. There should also be at least 3 sources cited. No Plagiarism at all, please cite all sources, no specific amount to be used, and site within the text, MLA format. Also please watch grammar. Thank you! The book we are using if you would like to cite from is Business Ethics, 7th ed., by Richard T. DeGeorge. (Prentice Hall, 2010), 523 pages with index. ISBN-13: 978-0-205-73193-0
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Lecturer: University: Course: Subject: Date: Direct to consumer advertising “Direct to consumer drug advertising (DTCA)” has led to the intensive increase in clinical examination and this has been campaigned by the pharmaceutical industry. By use of direct advertising, pharmaceuticals spread details concerning a particular drug which enriches the patients as the consumers to source for the medication with prescription by the physicians (Relman p28). Knowledge on the psychological as well as “ethical effects” of various drugs has become a major concern due to the intensive mass advertising of drugs by pharmaceuticals. Though DTCA makes prescription cheaper and affordable, the study will also illustrate the unethical impacts of direct to consumer drug advertising with addiction and also numerous side effects (Findlay p39).. Various media outlets are increasingly advertising drugs direct to consumers and physicians. In the United States, this has increased in the last decade with the use of “magazines, television, multimedia as well as internet” being heavily used (Gerald 7). The strategy helps in creating awareness about particular drugs and hence helps in maximizing of profits. The process is also used for education to the consumers and also as source of information for the medical experts (Gerald 7). Advertisement of the pharmaceuticals started back in “1938 after the passing of the Cosmetic and Food Act” (Relman p28). The 1962 amendment called for verification of safety before any drug is advertised. However, doctor to patient relationship was the major technique used up to the late twentieth century in the marketing of pharmaceutical products. The first DTCA public advertisement took place in the early 1980s when anti arthritis drug was aired. Various other advertisements took place with numerous questions rising up regarding the practice (Relman p28). FDA reform in 1997 reviewed various policies and advertisement could now take place on the television. This also scrapped off a requirement where a summary on the drug content where internet and wireless communication was intensively used to distribute appropriate information to the patients. This includes the use of “internet and toll free phones” where contacts can be made. In addition, the manufactures were now in a position to use brand names and various patents in their advertisements (Gerald 11). The use of “Kant categorical imperative” on the respect for people and autonomy is widely been made a consent. DTCA has led to increased drug prescription requests by the patients where the pharmacists do not even scrutinize on the need for the medication and its use. As a result, in case of a misleading advertisement, the prescription might lead to very negative impacts (Gerald 11). For instance, considering that analgesics production involves the use of opium derived chemicals, any forfeit of prescription procedure might lead to euphoric effects. These may lead to drug addicted individuals accessing the drugs and abusing them. When addicted, the patient will continuously be in a position to access the drug from the physicist (Gerald 12). Over the counter medication also leads to the various side effects in the various body organs. Increased and repeated use of pain relievers even in cases where pain is legitimate may lead to addiction and also possibility of overdose. This has been evident in the use of “Fentanyl” which is intensively used in relieving severe pains. The drug has severally led to overdose due to resistance and sometimes this may even cause death. As a result, special medical attention is required to help in following up the proper management of drug use. The various e...
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