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Business Ethics

Essay Instructions:
Pick a moral problem or a case in business that we have not already analyzed in any detail in class. A moral problem is one in which there is some difference of opinion on what is right and wrong. The issue is not clear cut and there is no consensus about it. Similarly, a case should be one about which there is some debate. Write a paper arguing to a conclusion about the morality of the problem or the case you have chosen. The problem may consist either of a general issue of policy or a specific issue that is found in a case you analyze. In your paper: (1) Start by explaining the moral problem or outlining the case. (2) Then present the moral arguments which support your conclusion. You may use whatever approach to moral argumentation (from among those we have studied) that you choose. Make clear the moral criterion you are using to decide the issue. Develop your arguments clearly, step by step, giving reasons for the position you defend. (3) Present and answer at least one argument that someone on the other side of the question might put forth. You may use this assignment to pursue some moral issue in business we have not discussed in class. The issue might be one raised in some other class or one you find in the newspapers or periodicals . . . or it might be one that you are simply concerned about. The problem might deal with some aspect of a business practice within a profession in which you are interested; it might concern individual or corporate responsibility; it can deal with an aspect of advertising, discrimination and affirmative action, conflict of interest, trade secrets, multinationals, as examples. You may use a case in the text, as long as we have not discussed it and DeGeorge does not resolve it. You may use any sources that you wish for background information. The paper, however, is not to be a report of what other people say; you are to argue the issue to a conclusion. If it is helpful, you might think of the paper as an article that you are writing to convince the general public about the morality of a practice or case; you might also think of it as a letter to a CEO or the President to convince of the morality or immorality of some practice or policy. A good paper will be well argued, and so convincing. Your paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length. As with all of our papers, it should be formatted double-spaced with one-inch margins and will include a properly formatted works cited. There should also be at least 3 sources cited.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
CONDOM ADVERTISING Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: (10 September 2010) Condom Advertising as Business Ethic Many discussions have existed on whether condom advertising amounts to moral problem or not in the business ethics. Amoral problem is one that there exist some difference of opinion on what is right and what is wrong. The issues with moral problem are not clear cut and there is no consensus about it. This paper argues to conclusion about the business ethics on morality of condom advertisements in both electronic media and print media. It starts by outlining the case that is that is regarded to be a moral problem. It moves a head to present and explain the answer that this advertisement is not ethical in according to business ethics; and lastly presents and answers one argument that the proponent for the condom advertisements give. Advertising is the process of creating awareness of a certain product to the consumers. Different companies use different modes of advertising, for instance the firms that manufacture different models of condoms usually advertise their products through electronic media like Radios and Televisions. Others use print media like newspapers and magazines like the parents. The condoms are specifically used during sex acts, which in most cultures worldwide consider it to be sacred hence not talked about in the presence of children of certain ages, or even not talked about in public. For example the Hispanic culture in the United Stated does not allow people to talk about it anywhere. Those advertising modes are accessible to people of all ages for example the TV, radio and newspapers does not select who to watch or read and who should not watch or read. With this in mind then, the advertisement reaches to all people in the universe no matter the age, sex, race, religion, culture or any other group of people, (Madsen and Jay , 125) . The way the advertisers make it results to immorality in the society, there are times when the advertisers demonstrates on how to use put on the condom or how to pull out after the sex action or at times how to dispose it. If these actions can be demonstrated in the presence of children, what kind of moral instinct will they be impinging in the minds of these children, and what kind of future generation will we be bringing up? With youngsters having a look of these, they do develop the urge of involving in pre-marital sex. This is not what the business ethics advocates for, they do not advocate for activities that leads to a spoilt society more than as it founded it. It should leave the community at a better position than before. Sometimes the timing for advertising creates a lot of questions. This is especially in the Electronic media like televisions, it at times comes when all members of the family are sited waiting to watch for example news or an interesting movie from a TV station. Some parents in other cultures do not have the courage to watch such like things in the presence of children; hence feel unease at that time. Also at such lik...
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