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Important event

Essay Instructions:
assignment: using \"shooting an elephant\" of the The River Reader as guides, write an essay that describes and narrates an important event that occurred in you life-either recently or long ago. using specific, sensory details,show and tell what experience?how did it change you? Describe-explanin in detail of ten using the 5 senses:smell,sight,taste,feel,hear. Narrate-give a frist hand account of a story tell what happens focus on event. please the essay focus on describe and narrate. show and tell what experience?how did it change you?
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Important event
It was early in the morning of June 5 2009, the very day my brother who lives in the neighboring town, twenty miles to be exacts from our parents residential place was to celebrate his twentieth birthday. Since I was not present when he celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday, I swore not to miss this one. Our parents had visited him the previous day to ensure everything would be in order, so I was to travel that morning. This was the first time I have ever been left a lone in that big compound, it sounded lonely and horrible, being a lone.
As usual, I woke up very early, carried out my duties for instance cleaning the house, watering the flower garden. I always did these tasks once I was in recess because my parents during such moments gave a short leave to our garden attendants. This they said it was meant to keep us busy and responsible. At first I thought this were measures put in place to punish us but with time I come to learn and appreciate the importance of what they were doing by giving us such tasks and responsibilities.
Before waking up and carrying out my responsibilities, what happened in that night left me astonished. It was around 0200hrs in the morning when I heard commotion down stairs, I listened carefully and I was convince something terrible was going on and I told my self I need to be very careful while going down. So I took my licensed gun, ensured it had bullets then I went down stairs walking like a cat-ensuring that no sound comes from my foot while touching the ground. While going down, everything come to a stand still, and silence that filled the room made me feel how my heart beat. I also abruptly stopped and tried to be as silent as possible.
What I heard next was a funny sound that I can only compare with a falling sack full of rise or any grain followed by a yelp from a man, whom I recognized as being of our security guard. My fears of having been attacked by buglers were now a reality, how could they gain access to such a building with tight security was my big question that remained unanswered to date; even the police were not able to unravel it (Adelman, 4).
I then new if I do not think and take actions as swift as possible the situation would grow from bad to worse. The options I had was to call the police or just engaging this thugs with gun fire. Due to my courage, determination and analysis, I opted for the last option, that of tackling them and save the situation. When coming down, the lights in the upper stairs were off but those in the ground floor were on, via the balcony, I was able to clearly see what they were doing to the two of our security guards. They were both tied, back to back and the thugs were five while a van was outside the compound and I presumed somebody must have been inside it.
One of the men was left to keep an eye on the tied security guards, the other four strategically started coming up stairs, on seeing this I used a back e...
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