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Difference Between Indentured Labor and Slavery

Essay Instructions:

Please see the following power point tutorials for an overview of what is South Asia (Overview Part 1) and South-Asians in America (Overview part 2).Please open the power point slides below and begin SLIDE SHOW. There is a detailed voice over (Overview Part 1) that you need to pay meticulous attention. Overview Part 2 provides you with interesting insights into the lives of South Asian Americans.

Please read the Literary Handouts-- read ONLY poems by Rienzi Crusz and Jean Arasanayagam.

Please open the power point slides below and begin SLIDE SHOW. There is a detailed voice over that you need to pay meticulous attention. My lecture notes analyze the poems of Crusz and Arasanayagam AND also refer to your assignment and how to tackle your assignment. This module refers back to the Literary Handouts in the previous assignment in this Module and prepares you for Assignment A.

This is a 2 part assignment

Part 1: Ancestors in the Americas

Answer any 6 of the following ( 2 pages in all)

What is a documemoir?

What does the dramatic voice achieve?

“Asian emigration had as much to do with developments in Europe as it did with developments in the Americas or in Asia. Overseas migration was part of European colonizing efforts in different parts of the world.” Do you agree? If so, why?

The narrator says, “America may think immigrants always come to get something from America, from the West, and take it away, but really it was very different…Long before Asians immigrated, when East met West, it was the West that came to us.” Explain.

“In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Western powers, and especially the young American republic, depended upon the China trade to build their economic strength.” How does this film portray this?

Comment on the Opium Wars of the 1840s and the aftereffect of that.

What is the difference between an indentured labor and slave? What does this film say?

Discuss: mutinies on the ships, fate of Asian Indian coolies, arrival of Chinese in New York.

Part 2 ( your response should be 2-3 pages)

Critically appraise (by comparing and contrasting attitudes, word choice, style, tone) Crusz’s “Roots” with Arasanayagam’s “I Have No Country.” Add a last paragraph as to how you respond to the poems via your own experience (or experience of your parents or even grandparents) in this country of immigration.

Paper Format

All papers should have the following format



12-point font

1 inch margins

All pages should be arranged in the proper order

Citations should be in the MLA format

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Although the difference between indentured labor and slavery has been blurred over the years due to the changes that have occurred across different time points, there is a marked difference between the two roles. The primary difference between indentured servants and slaves is that the latter were not granted freedom even after many years of working for their masters. Slaves remained so for the rest of their lives and were literally the property of their masters and so had no rights. On the other hand, indentured servants were granted freedom after a particular period that was agreed upon. This system of bonded labor was instituted shortly after the abolition of slavery and was primarily applied in sugar, tea, and cotton plantations. In addition, the British relied on indentured labor for rail construction projects in their colonies, especially in Africa, West Indies, and South East Asia. The terms of the contract involved serving someone as payment for passage into foreign lands, mostly the UK and South America. Other comparable terms included the servant's service in exchange for housing, food, or other amenities during the individual's indentured years.
Most indentured servants were young (between 15 and 2o years old) and worked in farms where they performed various manual tasks. Women were usually asked to serve as domestic house helps in their master's homes. There was no payment of any form outside the terms of the contract. However, once the servant had fulfilled the required obligation, they were free to terminate the agreement and live a more liberal life in the master's country. In some countries, servants would be granted a monetary incentive called "freedom dues" upon completing their service. They were now considered free members of their society and had the right to own property, cast a vote, or seek gainful employment. In some instances, the indentured servant would violate specific rules and regulations stipulated in the labor contract and was forced to extend their service as punishment for the infraction. Masters had the right to extend their servant's length of service if the latter had flouted some grave statute of the contract, and it was not uncommon for the usual indentured years of between four and six years to be protracted by three years or even more.
The film mentions that the indentured labor system was the first wave of immigration in South Asia and mostly happened in the Caribbean and South America. Because of the labor shortage caused by slave emancipation, South Asians were transported to the Caribbean and South America to work on plantations. Most free men and women refused to labor for the low wages provided by plantation owners, thereby nece...
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