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Depiction of Women in Beowullf, Inferno, and The Wife of Bath’s Tale

Essay Instructions:

Here is the list of works that you can use for your final essays:



"The Nun's Priest's Tale"

"The Wife of Bath's Tale”

Essay questions should be answered in full essay format (use five paragraph model as guide) with a clear strong thesis guiding your argument. Each prompt is broad; however, your thesis should be narrow and focused. There is no need to summarize the text, but you should refer to specific examples within each text. You should clearly cite three texts for each answer. Remember, proofread for grammar and spelling and clearly indicate which number you answer. No outside sources are necessary. Finally, upload it to Canvas as a .doc or .rtf attachment.

2. Women assume a prominent position in the works that we have discussed in the latter half of this semester. Choose three women (one from each of three works) and examine how each serves as an example of a strong and/or powerful woman.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In literature, women have been portrayed differently by diverse authors. This has allowed readers to draw relevant interpretations about women in real life. Among women, popular literary works such as “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” have acted as a source of inspiration. In this tale, like others that will be discussed in this essay, are strong women that play critical roles in the stories. In literature, strong women always act as a reminder of what women are like in real life. They challenge the way we view society’s perception of women. They help readers and other members of society to become more attuned to the nature of a woman. In this essay, the author explores three strong women from “Beowulf,” Inferno, and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.”
In Beowulf, the are three kinds of women. The hostesses, the peace weavers, and the monsters. The hostesses are the everyday unnoticeable woman. They perform duties that are required of women but they do not receive any special attention. The peace weavers are the wives in society. Their role is to bring peace in society through the family. Finally, there is the monsters. These women are unlike any other women in society. Their behaviors do not conform to those prescribed by society. In Beowulf, Thryth is a princess who kills men that venture into her hall. Thryth is unforgiving and unyielding and this makes her a force to reckon with even among men. Thryth’s behavior, however, is tamed when she gets married. Although her behavior could be viewed as unconventional, in real life, it represents the freedom of the unmarried woman. In essence, Thryth finds strength in being free. Still, one could say that Thryth’s strength is visible even after she gets married. After her marriage, she is described as a lady and peace weaver. Her ability to adapt to her circumstances demonstrates her strength as a person and as a woman. She has to take up new roles that will allow her to fit in her society.
Dante’s Inferno is one of the most read and revered books. In it, the author writes his own understanding of hell. ...
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