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Analyzing Religious Intolerance

Essay Instructions:

Materials List:

1. Myhre, ed. Darlene Fozard Weaver. Ch. 8 “Violence and Religion,” 97-114.

2. VID: Suzanne Barakat: Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/suzanne_barakat_islamophobia_killed_my_brother_let_s_end_the_hate ) (14.5 mins)

3. Read: Katayoun Kishi. "Assaults against Muslims in U.S. surpass 2001 level," Pew Research Center, 11/15/17 (https://www(dot)pewresearch(dot)org/fact-tank/2017/11/15/assaults-against-muslims-in-u-s-surpass-2001-level/ ).

4. "A summary of attacks on Muslims in Western countries: Anti-Muslim attacks have steadily increased in the past few years worldwide." (https://www(dot)aljazeera(dot)com/news/2019/03/16/a-summary-of-attacks-on-muslims-in-western-countries/ )Al Jazeera, 3/16/19

5. VID:

Study Media overrepresents Muslims as terrorists ( https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=rUg1nd1C3XY )(6.58 mins)

6. VID: (3.5 mins)

Stereotypology: Oppressed Arab Women ( https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=2u0PQWElZuQ&index=8&list=PLkdxPqJNeyDBUGpjEI8XqNhGmzMZMKFpO )

7. VID: (2:38 mins)

Dear Hollywood: stop portraying Muslims as terrorists ( https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=cWVhUmUwDQA )

8. VID: 2016 (movie trailer, 2 mins)

Imperium ( https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=I3lFBq7_CPk )

9. REC: (READ THE ABSTRACT): Caroline M. Corbin. "Terrorists Are Always Muslim but Never White: At the Intersection of Critical Race Theory and Propaganda," Fordham Law Review 86.2: 2017. ( https://ir(dot)lawnet(dot)fordham(dot)edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5437&context=flr )

10. REC: Lynn S. Neal. “Intolerance and American Religious History,” Religion Compass. 4.2 (Feb. 2010), p. 114-123.


Write a 10-12 sentence response to the 2 Questions:

1. What happened to Suzanne Barakat’s family? How did the media portray what happened to Suzanne? What if roles were reversed (i.e. what if a Muslim acted as their neighbor did and what does this tell us about embedded stereotypes/bias)? How does her story reflect the research? (hint see: Kishi, Al Jazeera article, and Study: Media overrepresents Muslims as terrorists)

2. What happened in the hospital with Suzanne's colleague? How does Suzanne deal with her loss and others’ stereotyping her? If you were another of Suzanne’s colleagues, how could you respond to the microaggression with compassion while holding the person accountable? Write a few different responses of what you could say as an "upstander" to hold the person "compassionately accountable."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Religious Hatred
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Religious Hatred
Question One
Suzanne Barakat's family were victims of religious hate. Suzanne's brother, Deah and his wife Yusor, and Razan were shot dead by their neighbor in the home. While the police said that the killings resulted from a parking dispute, in reality, there was no parking dispute but was instead an issue of religious hate. The police issued a premature media briefing, and for the next twenty-four hours, media houses to the killings being a result of a parking dispute. The words "parking dispute" had become the go-to sound bite for most media outlets (Barakat, 2016). Suppose that the roles were reversed and that it was a Muslim who had shot dead three white American college students in execution-style at their home, then the narrative would be a different one. Suzanne's story illuminates the already-existing Muslim stereotyping prevalent in every election cycle (AlJazeera, 2019).
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