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Current Events: Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals

Essay Instructions:

write a one page summary the following news ( Foxnews:Trump DOJ asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA ruling): http://www(dot)foxnews(dot)com/politics/2018/01/18/trump-doj-asks-supreme-court-to-overturn-daca-ruling.html

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Current Events
DACA, which refers to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a program that protects illegal migrants who got into the country as minors from direct deportations. Additionally, the program offers the applicants a work permit, which enables them to work legally. The program was formed in 2012 by former U.S president, Barack Obama. Donald Triumph has openly referred to the program as “illegal amnesty” on several occasions. On September 2017, Elaine Duke; Homeland Security Secretary announced that the DACA program would be phased out, with no newer requests being accepted after the announcement (Schallhorn). President Triumph has argued that those who got into the country illegally are lawbreakers, and affect the natives by pushing down wages, as well as reducing the employment opportunities available for the native Americans.
Judge William Alsup ruling in favor of DACA, ordered the government to start accepting the renewal of the applications for the "Dreamers", which is a common name used to refer to people under the program. The ruling has been deemed controversial, with the Attorney General Jeff Sessions stating that the ruling “defies both the law and common sense” (Cohen). Resultantly, the Donald Triumph administration has requested the Supreme Court to overturn the Alsup’s ruling, which blocks the administration’s move to phase out the DACA program (Cohen). The hearing by the Supreme Court is set to take place in less than a week’s time according to the Attorney General. Obama has termed the move as cruel and self-defeating, questioning the motive behind the decision to end the program. Immigration activists have accused the Triumph administration of being unfair and cold-hearted and argued that this could harm the U.S economy (Schallhorn).
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