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Importance of Principle Issues in Formulating a Political Party Platform

Essay Instructions:

Create Your Own Political Party Your assignment is to create a political party with a defined political platform. This will count as your final exam. (1/3rd of your final overall grade in this class) 
Creating the Political Party Task #1:  
Each student will build a political party platform reflecting a distinct political ideology for a federal election. You must research and formulate policies on ALL of the following issues: National Defense (Expand? Cutback? Maintain? International Relations (Development projects/involvement with other countries) Criminal Law (laws and punishment: addition and changes) Environmentecimprove? At the expense of big business) • Health Care (funding? Privatization) • Taxation (Increase taxes to support programs? Tax the rich?) • Immigration (More strict? As is?) ,p Government programs and agencies (Welfare? Unemployment)  Your party's platform is a formal paper. It must be typed, double spaced and information must be organized under headings. It must follow MLA format and have a minimum of 1,000 words. You must use various resources to obtain information about each subject as well as formulate your own opinions and your political parties' position on each. A work cited must be  provided as well as parenthetical citation. A Minimum o Cikbources.  
--Task #2:  Choose a name for your party and create loVor your party that will be put on the cover page of your paper. It must reflect your parties platform. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institution Affiliation:
Political Party Platform
A political party can be defined as a group of individuals who have the same kind of ideas and views about how power should be exercised in a given society or a country. A political party must agree on some policies and programs which are important and essential in promoting the collective goodwill of the whole country or that of their supports. On the other side, a political party platform outlines a set of principles which an individual or a political party believes in.
These principle goals and objectives help the party in seeking public support when encountered with complicated issues. Sometimes the political platform is also referred as a manifesto. In most of the western countries, political platforms are highly valued as they provide the overview of the election promises. Manifestos in the United States provide clues to the issues that a party will enact once elected to power. This paper outlines and discusses principle issues which are important in formulating a political party platform.
National Defense
A modernized and strong military is key to the survival of any country. This is because a modern military guarantees the protection of the country’s interests. Young Visionary Party therefore understands and recognizes that the military must evolve continuously (Center For Military Readiness, p1). The armed forces must be prepared to handle all kinds of threats. For this reason, once the party is elected it will focus on all the means possible to equip the military with modern technology to deal with the new threats most of which involve terrorism and cyber-security (Harris, p1). Additionally, the Young Visionary Party recognized the need to provide a conducive work environment and better remuneration for our military men and woman. Therefore, once the party is given a chance to serve it will improve the military housing systems, health care and provide them with other basic needs.
International Relations
Since the world is increasingly becoming more interconnected, Young Visionary Party acknowledges the importance of having friendly interrelations whith other states across the world. For this reason, my party will be key to interacting and signing treaties with other countries with the aim of mutually benefiting from the activities that we may engage in (Lebow, p1-21). The party will also acknowledge how essential international relations is in promoting trade between countries, marketing tourism, promoting immigration and attracting investors (California Democratic Party, p1). The party also understands that it is through international relations that as a country we will manage to pool resources with other nations, engage in development projects and face together other global issues such as environment and global warming.
Criminal Law
The party acknowledges the importance of criminal justice systems in the fight against injustice (Wassom, p209–241). For this reason, once the Young Visionary Party is elected, laws and policies will be developed, and amendments will be made to the existing laws to allow certain changes to be made in the justice systems. For example, the party will hold consultations with other relevant stakeholders in the criminal justice system to change some sections which are unfair to humanity such as the death penalty. Additionally, the party will also be committed to ensuring that the criminal justice system is cleansed by eliminating all forms of injustices and inequalities. Additionally, proper mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that justice administration is made fair and defendants are provided with effective assistance counsel (Chammah, p1).
The Environment
The party is aware of the challenges that the world is facing in protecting the environment from pollution and waste management. It is true that if the environment is to be protected from these issu...
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