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Party Slogan: The People Party Guarantees A Free Country

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Create your own political party
Party Name : The Peoples’ liberation party
Party symbol :
370840198120The People Liberation PartyLet‘s enjoy the freedom 00The People Liberation PartyLet‘s enjoy the freedom
Party Slogan: The people party guarantees a free country
Party Mission Statement: Our vision is to promote liberty, we believe in personal and economic liberty. We advocate for economic freedom and personal space. The party will be launched with the intention of advocating for these views among the wider public.
The party will prioritize taxes and the need to minimize bureaucratic regulations of business and welfare programs (Kryzanek. 143). The people’s liberation party is socially inclusive. The party emphasizes on the need of people to be free and given the space to make their own choices as long as they do not interfere with other peoples rights (Kryzanek. 151). For our country to succeed, everyone should get a fair share. Our party is focused on building a strong economy that will uplift all Americans.
The party’s ideologies
National Defense: The people's liberation party believes in individual freedom; we believe that a strong defense is key in protecting citizens, training of competent personnel will be a top priority. To improve proper coordination of security matters, merging various security departments is the best option, this will result in easier access to resources and efficient national security operations (Bakker and Ryan 49).
International Relations
As Libertarians, we do not believe in acting as the policeman for the world; the main party agenda in relation to foreign policy is to have a strong military to defend the nation and limit foreign military and economic aid (Wagner 26). We will be more vigilant and establish national security programs to protect citizens from any external threats. Our foreign policy will focus on enhancing communication and finding peaceful solutions to any conflict with other nations (Wagner 38).
Criminal Law
As a party, we believe that an eye for an eye can never solve any problem and cannot prevent crime. In addition, harsh punishment should be abolished. Instead, we advocate for fair and consistent criminal justice system (Jones 72). The party proposes a review board to replace the parole board system. The board composition will be more inclusive, former rehabilitated criminals will sit on the board to promote fairness (Jones 88).
The people’s liberation party will ensure that the citizen's rights are upheld, including their rights to own firearms. We believe that citizens need to protect themselves (Jones 79). The death penalty will be abolished to avoid many innocent people being wrongfully accused; the party has serious doubt on such laws (Jones 73).
The party advocate for the legalization of Marijuana for medical purposes, however, hard drugs should remain illegal. We believe in a more proactive approach to discourage people from taking illegal drugs through dialogue. We advocate for a rehabilitative approach when dealing with crime (Jones 79).
The Environment
Environmental protection is one of the key agendas the party seeks to address, multinational corporations are known for flouting environmental laws as they focus on profit. The people’s liberation party will ensure strict environmental laws are adhered to protect our natural resources more so, control of land use. Our focus is on disposal of waste on land (Janda 109). We will enact tight regulations on handling waste to minimize environmental pollution.
Health Care
The key characteristics of a health care system is quality, cost, and acces...
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