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Culture and Social Interactions: Engaging in Deviant Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Reaction Paper 1

This assignment will help to reinforce the first four weeks of our course. It is designed for you to practice observing people, culture and social interaction. It also involves you engaging in deviant" behavior by breaking a social norm in a particular setting and assessing the subsequent sanctions. Your entire paper should be at least 6-8 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can label your "steps" in writing your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with paragraphs. Make sure to upload your Reaction Paper as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. 

Make sure to turn in your assignment on the Canvas Discussion Section site.


Step #1: Find a "Field Site"

In order to focus your efforts, you need to find people and interactions to observe and engage. We call this a "field site," where you can witness groups, people and interactions. You will be required to attend this site ALONE. Examples of places include: a sporting event, a coffee shop, a food court, a park, the mall, a farmer's market, the beach, the airport, or any place where there are enough people around. You may need to switch your field site if there is not enough action or interaction!


Step #2: Conduct a 30-Minute Observation

• When you have found your "field site," go ALONE and conduct a 30-minute observation. Look for particular people you can watch and "get to know" just by observing them and their interactions. Take notes on paper, a laptop, a phone, etc. about everything you see. Make sure you stay for thirty minutes to really get to know your site. While you observe, make sure to focus on the following:

• Identify and describe the field site (location). What are the sounds, smells, and sights you see? When did you go (time and date)? Be as detailed as possible in your description of the field site. .

• What social norms (folkways, mores, taboos, and laws) do you see occurring in the field site? Are people following these norms? How do you know? Do you see anyone violating/breaking them? How do you know? What sanctions do you see taking place (think rewards and punishments)? .

• What kinds of individuals do you see? What are their roles? What are their statuses and what status symbols do you observe? How are they behaving in their roles? Are their role performances successful...or strained? Choose ONE specific individual to write about in your paper. 

• What kinds of social interactions do you see? Who are the individuals, how are they interacting, and why do their interactions catch your attention? What conclusions can you make about the people you've been watching just by observing them? Choose ONE specific interaction to write about in your paper.


Step #3: Engage in “Deviant Behavior”

When you have finished observing your site, choose one particular norm that you want to intentionally "break" for the purposes of the assignment. Remember, please do not break a law. Otherwise, you run the risk of legal sanctions! Go ahead...engage in your chosen deviant behavior! As you do so, note the following: .

• What specific norm did you choose to break in the setting? Why did you choose that norm?

• Describe what happened during the breaking of your chosen norm. Be specific!

• What was it like engaging in your choice of deviant behavior? How did you feel?

• What sanctions took place when you were breaking the norm or after you engaged in the deviant behavior (think rewards and/or punishments)?


Step #4: Report the Results & Apply the Sociological Imagination

Once you have finished your observation and deviant behavior, it is time to report your results. Please be as detailed as possible, write in complete sentences (no bullet points) and make sure to answer ALL questions using this format below:

First, address the four points in Step #2:

Next, address the four points in Step #3:


Finally, address these final points:

• Overall, what was it like to sit and observe others? Did you like or dislike observing a field site? Would you consider doing social observations as a career? Why or why not?

• How does having a sociological lens help you understand what you observed and also your deviant behavior?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
Professor's Name:
Course Number:
Date of Submission:
Social 1
I visited one of the most renowned restaurants in Chicago, named ‘676 Restaurant and Bar’ for my field site. This happened on January 21, 2022, during the afternoon hours at around 2 pm. The 674 Restaurant and Bar offers a wide range of dishes, drinks, and recreation services for their customers who originate from different parts of the country (Kim et al. 104). Their customers are local people who live in the area, while others are travelers and tourists who stay in the restaurant for a day or two while going on with their respective businesses. The place offers other services such as accommodation, a gym, and entertainment. Due to the number of excellent services available in this place, the restaurant provides a perfect place for conducting meetings, weddings, and even hosting other different events. The 676 Restaurant and Bar occupies an ample space as it offers various special services to its customers, making it one of the most preferred places for conducting one's business while in town. This place has characterized various activities and encompasses all ages ranging from young children, teenagers, adults, and even the aged who enjoy the different services.
Therefore, due to the various services available in this place, the place is usually busy and has multiple activities happening all at once. For example, today is a Saturday; I have observed a wedding in the hotel. It seems that a couple had chosen this place to be their favorite place where they can exchange their vows. Currently, several guests are streaming at the colorful event. The event is characterized by low-tuned music that is perfect for the romantic and love moment that is building in the event. Furthermore, there is a great smell originating from the place as the restaurant has prepared great dishes to soot the event.
On the other side of the restaurant, some different families and couples seem to be enjoying their performance moments together. Due to the availability of a swimming pool and many other children's fun activities, most families opt to visit this place for their bonding activities. For example, the swimming pools had swimmers ranging from couples, children, and other categories. Alternatively, in the children's fun activities such as toy cars and swinging machines, several children can be seen having a great time in these plays.
Alternatively, since the restaurant has an inbuilt bar, many customers are seen sipping their drinks while listening to some fantastic country music running through the vast club speakers. Then among the other customers, I am here for a meal while enjoying the colorful day unfolding before me. With me is another large number of customers who are probably here for a meal as they go on with their other daily activities. While taking my meal, I am glued to the big screens covering a friendly match between Manchester United and Chelsea team. Being an ardent football fan, I am thrilled by my experience here, and this typically happens to be my best chilling place when I want to have a good time away from home.
Due to the large number of people who visit this place daily, several social norms govern people’s interactions and activities in 676 Restaurants and bar premises. For example, once a person arrives, they are first frisked by gatekeepers to ensure that they do not carry weapons into the restaurant. Those who have weapons are usually expected to surrender them to security and collect them on their way out of the restaurant (Kim et al. 105). Other types of norms and guidelines that exist in this restaurant include;
* Do not disturb, be vulgar or cause unnecessary noise that could disrupt others
* Courtesy when addressing the waiters and respecting each other while in the restaurant
* No eating or having other people’s drinks without their permission
* Observe good eating habits while taking meals
* No bringing of outside meals and beverages into the hotel unless the management
* If a Tip must be left for the waiters, it should not exceed 15% of the bill
* Everyone should pay for all the services they get while on the premises
* No invading of another person’s space among others
Based on my analysis of the people’s conduct and behavior in this place, I have noted that most individuals follow the social norms that have been put in place in this facility. Despite the significant number of events happening, most people seem to be disciplined and well acquainted with what is expected of them while in these places. I can establish that most people follow these social norms by observing the peaceful nature and organized activities in these places, which depicts how people mind their business and conduct themselves respectfully. Moreover, since my arrival here, I have witnessed that most of the people here are in the business of having a good time, and therefore they are observing the social norms to ensure that they achieve that smoothly. However, despite most people following and adhering to the social norms put in this place, I have noted several people were violating these social norms. For example, since the restaurant has a bar in it, I have pointed out that some people getting drunk in the club are causing trouble by becoming noisy and wild.
Moreover, some of them are becoming disrespectful after consuming several liquor glasses, forcing security personnel to be called upon to intervene. From the way drunk individuals behave, one can quickly note that they violate some of the guidelines and laws that govern this place. For example, the social norms in this facility indicate that all people should conduct themselves in an orderly manner, be respectful to one another and not cause an unnecessary and loud noise, which the drunk people seem to ignore. When these people get drunk, they begin misbehaving, which is a perfect indication that they violate the social norms that govern this place. Once security personnel intervenes, the intoxicated individuals are thrown outside the facility. Others are punished for the...
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