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American Capitalism: How its Roots Impact the Lives of Americans Today

Essay Instructions:

1. What is the thesis of "In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation" by Matthew Desmond?

2. Post your answers to Thesis Statements Practice here.

3. What did you take away from reading Basic Principles of Academic Writing? (Write at least 250 words.)

4. What are three points from Desmond's article that support his thesis (main idea) well? (Write at least 250 words.)

5. How do the roots of capitalism as depicted in Desmond's article impact the lives of all Americans and/or the world today? (Write at least 250 words.)

Pay attention: Questions 2, 3, and 4 require at least 250 words each. Always post word counts for all answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Capitalism
1 What is the thesis of "In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation" by Matthew Desmond?
Thesis Statement:
The slavery of Black-Americans is the origin and the blueprint of American capitalism, which caused the economic recession in 2008 and had been adopted by other capitalist countries. 2. Post your answers to Thesis Statements Practice here.
* Bad: Television commercials have an influence on children.
Good: Television advertisements affect children's values and preferences.
* Bad: One hobby many young people especially enjoy is reading.
Good: One interest that many young people particularly like is reading, which helps them develop comprehension, acquire new words, and expose them to other worlds they have not yet visited.
* Bad: Playing team sports has many benefits.
Good: Participating in team sports offers numerous benefits, including the development of collaboration skills, the development of leaders, and the reduction of sleep deprivation.
* Bad: The book, The Great Hornspoon, is both similar to and different than the movie.
Good: The book, The Great Hornspoon, is similar to the film in terms of narrative, place, and characters, but the climax is quite different.
* Bad: President Kennedy meant many things when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
Good: When President Kennedy remarked, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country," he meant a variety of things, including what we can do together to further human freedom.
* Bad: Many people think that summer vacation should be extended.
Good: Many people believe that summer vacation should be prolonged to allow for more time for family and mental health break.
* Bad: The government has a duty to collect taxes.
Good: To be sure, the government has a responsibility to collect taxes to provide essential services to the populace.
* Bad: Learning to play a musical instrument has both good and bad points.
Good: Learning to play the guitar offers some advantages and disadvantages.
3. What did you take away from reading Basic Principles of Academic Writing? (Write at least 250 words.)
Strong academic writing takes a position on the topic—it strives to persuade the reader of a viewpoint. The "thesis statement" claims this. An academic paper will use facts and data to "prove" a claim to the reader. A research paper will give an original experiment and data to support the assertion; in literature, an essay will quote passages from a source that support the more significant point. Most academic writing aims to persuade the reader to agree with the claim.
Concision is the art of expressing an idea in the fewest words. Others believe more words and complex phrase structures make writing "better" or "sophisticated." In actuality, the more extended and more complex a sentence is, the more difficult it is for a reader to follow the writer's point. For example, instead of saying "because," you can say "because" and make your sentence more forceful. Use "now" or "currently" instead of "at this time." Simpler sentence forms allow the writer's ideas to shine through.
Academic writing is usually objective. Rather than presenting the argument by "I believe that...", "I believe this indicates...", it aims to persuade the reader that the argument is proven true: "this evidence shows..."
For example, the "reader response" school of literary criticism completely abandons the objective viewpoint. However, the writer must first know the rules to breach them properly.
Putting chili powder in hot chocolate is a delightful but unusual twist on a rule: desserts are not usually spicy. First, the chef must understand both elements' flavors and decide what would enrich the cuisine. Breaking these norms and principles is only wise if there is a specific, excellent reason. So, if the writer plan to break one of the rules of academic writing, check with the instructor first.
Academic work is an excellent opportunity to practice research and writing. Make the most of the college assignments to improve reading comprehension, analytical, and critical thinking. Having a target audience will help the writer connect with the reader and adapt to the genre's traditions.
337 words
4. What are three points from Desmond's article that support his thesis (main idea) well? (Write at least 250 words.)
The three points from Desmond’s article that support his thesis:
American capitalism has been shaped by slavery as pointed out by Desmond (2019), in the article, "In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation".
Slavery was the cornerstone of American capitalism, and its enormous impact on economic progress made it a system singularly harsh to its working class. This American priority for profit over worker protection originated with slavery and continues today in labor exploitation. According to Matthew Desmond (2019), "To understand the savagery of American capitalism, you must begin on the plantation," a repressive capitalist system sti...
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