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Pathfinder Summary: Questions and Answers

Essay Instructions:

This Pathfinder Summary I involves asking you a few questions about Chapters 1-14.

Please answer each question thoroughly with GENUINE reflection rather than “correct” answers. Your entire paper should be at least 5-7 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can number your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses.

Make sure to upload your summary as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. Make sure to turn in your assignment on the Canvas Discussion Section site.


What memories do you have about wanting a particular job/career when you were younger?

What do you now want to do for a career and how are you going to make it happen?

What is your current major(s)/minor(s) at UCI? Why did you choose them and how satisfied are you with your choices? How will they prepare you for your intended career choice you discussed in question #2?

What is one of your passions in life and why are you so passionate about it? How important is having a career that involves this passion?

How might Sociology fit into your studies at UCI, your career choice, or your future professional endeavors? Would you ever consider being a "Sociologist?" Why or why not?

The Pathfinder talks about several different ways of making decisions. Which of the following method(s) do you tend to use when making decisions: logic/analysis/common sense; feelings/inclinations/passions; romantic yearnings; resonance; external sources; reaction/rebellion/compliance; random; should/yeahbuts? Discuss why you gravitate toward the particular method(s) when making decisions. Where do you think you learned how to make decisions like you do? Do you want to change the way you make decisions?

Reflect on a major decision you had to make in the past three years. Describe the decision, how you approached making it, which of the method(s) described in question #6 you used with the decision, and the decision's final outcome. Are you still satisfied with your decision? Why or why not?

Think of one major decision you will have to make in the next three years. What is the decision? Do you feel prepared to make it? What do you need to answer, find out, or consider in order to make your decision? What might some obstacles (or yeahbuts!) be in making your major decision? How might you overcome these obstacles in order to make your decision?

Choose ONE of the "Inquiries" that you completed from Chapters 1-14 to discuss. Which inquiry did you complete (name it) and what was the overall outcome/result of the inquiry (describe in detail what you did)? Why did you decide to complete that particular inquiry and what personal insights did you gain from doing it? How might this inquiry help in finishing school, making future decisions and planning your career?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Pathfinder Summary
Question 1
I wanted to be a doctor, specifically a neurosurgeon when I was young. Different factors drove me towards the identified profession. I believed that the medical profession was highly paying with different benefits such as saving a life. I was also attracted to the medical profession since my mother served as a cardiologist; she would narrate some of the activities she conducted, thus motivating me towards the medical career. My mother became my mentor throughout my childhood since I believed I could be nothing other than a doctor. While I was young, I actively participated in different medical activities and projects to strengthen my career. Regardless of different discouragements, I knew I would be in the same position as my mother one day. My firm belief aligns with Lore, who stresses that childhood vision shapes one's final career (20). Therefore, my strong desire to be a doctor stimulated me to work hard and get higher grades that would suit other better positions.
Question 2
Regardless of the childhood vision of being a doctor, my current career, which I would like to work on, is social and community service manager. In achieving the threshold, I will put more effort into different minors and majors to allow me to acquire adequate skills necessary for meeting social and community goals. Additionally, I do not want to specialize in the career. Instead, my direction is to create an integrated career network that would allow me to address any possible challenges. I believe creating a career network would allow me to coordinate with individuals from other professions such as medicine which I admired in childhood. It is necessary to back childhood vision in the future (Lore 25). Therefore, following the identified direction would allow me to achieve my childhood goals instead of being a doctor as I desired. Lore notes that one becomes what they do; therefore, I would comply with such belief and effectively work on my career to have a prosperous future. I would achieve this through consistent engagement with the mentors to allow me to follow the direct path in achieving my career goals. Engaging the mentors will also allow me to learn the solutions to challenges that are likely to emerge while following my career path.
Question 3
My major at UCI is applied physics, minor in Literature. The identified aspects are relevant for my career since they allow me to acquire different skills necessary for exponentially transforming my future. Combining the two educational elements is also essential for my career since they would allow me to make different career networks. Deciding on the future is a step-wise process (Lore 44). Therefore, I have decided on them to provide me with adequate room for adjusting my career, which involves social and community service manager. I decided on the identified major and minor since I believe they have an adequate impact on my career and would expand my knowledge abundantly. As a manager in the community, it is necessary to have effective physical skills, which I can only achieve by focusing on applied physics as a major. I also need reliable communications skills to engage the community members in different programs they wish to undertake. Therefore, the identified elements are necessary for establishing a reliable framework that would allow me to achieve my career goals.
Question 4
One of my passions in life is assisting vulnerable communities in terms of health or finances. My passion for communal development did not emerge recently. It is an element I have adequately longed for since my childhood as Lore identifies childhood vision defines career goals. I am passionate about community development since every human being is equal regardless of different disparities. Therefore, I would be happy to be in a community where every individual has an equal opportunity to access different facilities such as health programs. I would also be happy to see every individual in society can at least access different sources of income to stabilize their lives. It is important to have a career that involves this passion since it would allow me to mobilize different resources as a social and community service manager to achieve different community development. The career is also vital since it creates a social network with community members. Thus, it becomes easy to understand their needs and desires. Lastly, it is necessary to have a career that aligns with the passion since it intrinsically drives one towards achieving the desires and life they love (Lore 68). It would also allow me to deploy my passionate skills by ensuring that the community members...
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