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Cultural Analysis Essay : Iconicity. Literature & Language Essay

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Iconicity; Martin Luther King Junior

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Iconicity; Martin Luther King Junior
Martin Luther King Junior was an American icon who spoke of democracy and the negative impact of capitalism. King believed that no equipment, such as computers, profit motives, and rights to property are more important than people. He believed that materialism, racialism and militarism can be conquered. (Hendricks 1). There is the need for wealth to be appropriately divided among all citizens in a country. Martin Luther King Junior advocated for social democracy which according to him ensures that all people in a specific country are treated equally in spite of their racial or social class. Also, he spoke against capitalism which he belived negatively impacted the nation’s citizens.
King’s fight for inclusion for socialist democracy in the 1960s made him a great icon in American’s history. Though many people did not believe in what was said, his spirited fight as a human right activist was vital in fifteen formational years of America’s democracy. Throughout history, it is evident that capitalism was inappropriate for any state in the world. There was unequal economic and social progress due to numerous limitations. The poor kept on becoming poor while the rich people due to access to wealth and property advanced in their richness. In America, the Black’s continued to lag behind in terms of economic advancement due to the laws that prohibited equal access to education opportunities as well as jobs.
His letter to Scott, his girlfriend clearly articulated the manner of hatred he had for capitalism. In the context of the letter (1952), the word socialism was connected with the word communism. The FBI wanted to prosecute Kings on his belief and outspoken love for a socialistic kind of community. King’s support for the social democracy was not merely based on fanatical ideologies; rather it was based on equality and democracy. The African- Americans would benefit if the capitalistic society was done away with. Through equal opportunities in education, employment and property rights, they would ascend the social ladder. Capitalism had a way of confining people to a particular class. If a person was poor, then his generation was doomed to poverty.
In his book “Where Do We Go From Here?” King describes what he esteemed as the solution to the evils of capitalism in the society. He emphasized that despite several political milestones, there was a lot to be done in order to attain true democracy (King 37) . For example, giving people certain rights did not guarantee that indeed a specific kind of life was assured. For example, giving people the opportunity to purchase a burger did not equate the ability to purchase the burger. Kings asserted that the right to vote did not allow anti-racist legislation in place. Though the government had done away with most of Jim Crow’s laws, there was still a lot of oppression against the Negroes. Proper help for the negroes would come through changing the legislation in the country.
Some white people abandoned the civil rights movement, once Kings emphasized the actual realization of the equality status. African- Americans did not require dignified treatment but rather emphasized on the need for access to education and housing facilities. Here, we find the socialism had not fully been achieved. There was a lot to be done regarding the racist policies that dominated American’s economy. The civil rights movement advocated for a mixed race working class that would guarantee that there would be more economic and social empowerment of the black p...
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