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Article review. Role of an Orchestra in the 21st Century

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Role of an Orchestra in the 21st Century

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Concerning standards set by profit-making organizations in the United States, symphony orchestras have for the previous two decades shown a significant decline. Despite the increasing demographic trends of college education, performance revenues have continued to go down vis-a-vis the performance expenses at an alarming rate and with huge amounts. Symphony orchestras have, with other art executing organizations continued to seek for support in order to strike the balance between their performance expenses and revenues, an attempt, which they have continually failed to achieve complete financial equilibrium for the bands. Symphony orchestras are among the strongholds of the union symbols in the United States. With this regard, the working environments of orchestras in the United States are well-ordered by the collective bargaining agreement and the two are labor cooperatives (Kennicott 8). This paper, thus, primarily investigates the association between the terms of work and the economic challenges, which the orchestras underwent in their effort to perform their work effectively and in a serene environment, the critics and the role of orchestra in the 21st century.
In the past one century, performance revenues have been lower in comparison with the expenses, something which led to performance income gap. While the music industry has tirelessly strived to improve its working environment to attract more audience, his has been a threat to the music industry and its hope of maintaining future audience as well (Mauskapf 31). The media performance had a significant decrease in its revenue, which threatened its future survival going with the current trends. This called for symphonies to attract substantial non- performance incomes to survive. However, there was a significant support from fundraising contributions and private contributions to the orchestras, which aided in balancing the income gap which existed between 1987 and 2003 (Kennicott 7). Many orchestras in the United States have continually been receiving aid from different ranks of government. However, government support as arts is concerned has not been easy. The government views this support as being more centered on an individual benefits rather than a large group of citizens, something which has made the American politicians to critique it with much stress. This has a big impact to the industry’s financial muscles. Also, a study showed that college graduates attending classical arts declined with a greater percentage, posing a future threat to the industry.
Financial proficiency is always instrumental in maintaining the smooth running of any enterprise (Kennicott 5). Therefore, primarily, if orchestras were to advance their performance, they then needed a changed organizational construction. For this reason, then, some orchestras pledged some wealthy individuals to support them financially to curb their pervasive financial crisis.
My take on the author
Notably, the values and norms of the totalitarian experience critiqued by the author exhibit a significant distinction from those of the mainstream society. It persuades the audiences to seek humility by being attentive to the countercultural ideas without necessarily seeking to gratify their own immediate need. In the opinion of Dare, common classical practices vis-à-vis classical music today are a r...
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