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Academic Summary. Exploring the positives of Wanderlust from “Tracing a Headland”

Essay Instructions:

Please read the assignment carefully in the attachment.

This continuous part of the essay should be the second page of the assignment.

However, within the second page, it is not a summary anymore, it is a response to the article(essay)

Please revise and edit on the first part of the assignment, which should be focus on one article, and then give response in the second page. Thank you!

response is a critique or evaluation of the author’s essay. Unlike the summary, it is not unbiased – it is composed of your opinion and analysis of the essay being summarized. It examines ideas that you agree or disagree with and identifies the essay’s strengths and weaknesses in reasoning and logic, in quality of supporting examples, and in organization and style. In other words, you should respond both to the ideas in the essay (the content), and to the way the essay presents them (the rhetorical strategies). For your
response to the content, follow one of the formulas explained in chapter 3 of They Say/I Say: agree with a difference, disagree and explain why, or both.

A good response should be specific: you will need to refer back to specific moments in Solnit’s essay that you find persuasive, unconvincing, well- or poorly-made, or otherwise notable, and explain in detail
what is significant about them. You should quote the essay at least twice in your response. As with the summary, choose passages that deserve to be quoted – i.e. passages that are particularly well-phrased or explain a complex idea clearly and concisely.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Exploring the positives of Wanderlust from “Tracing a Headland”
Rebecca Solnit’s essay Tracing a Headland in the book Wanderlust: A History of Walking winds through a myriad of discussions such as the origins of bipedalism, collective action of protests and the effects of technological developments on the human race. Solnit is a talented and influential author whose literary works highlight on societal issues.
The first theme in Solnit’s essay shares on the origins of bipedalism and the act of walking which she summarizes as a subconscious action where the body, mind and the environment are intertwined into one (p.2). Solnit expounds on the fact that walking has facilitated the establishment paths and roads and has opened up parks and cities and rural and urban areas. Walking has also enabled mountaineering expeditions and the writing of guidebooks. Solnit dwells on therapeutic benefits of walking through nature and focuses on its ability to treat anxiety and stress related issues. Secondly, Solnit shares that many individuals around the world have staged peaceful marching protests to voice their displeasures about various issues such as discrimination and gender inequality. However, these innocent acts have been misconstrued and the protestors labeled trespassers. Solnit notes “the form our demonstrations took was walking: what was on the public land side of the fence a ceremonious procession became, on the off-limits side, an act of trespassing in arrest” (Solnit 8). The statement is in reiteration to the fact that corruption and massive land grabbing has seen the loss of the once public land to private developments. Pathways and footpaths have been consumed and turned into private parking lots where individuals can no longer walk about aimlessly.
Solnit also shares on the negative effects of technological developments that have engulfed the human race by impeding on their free time. These developments have greatly helped people to perform various tasks quickly and effectively. However, they have eliminated some crucial pleasures such as cloud gazing and window shopping. As a result, individuals have become lazy because they can afford to have goods and services bought and done at their own convenience. Public spaces have been consumed with developers building private facilities with barriers to walking. Streets no longer have sidewalks, walls and gates have been built to enclose people in small spaces (Solnit 10).
Solnit’s ideas and themes in the essay Tracing a Headland are both enlightening and eye opening. We are able to learn about the history of walking and the concept of bipedalism. From the essay we can deduce that bipedalism is a form of terrestrial locomotion where an organism moves by means of its two rear limbs (Solnit 7)....
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