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COVID-19 And Its Effects on The Mental Health of Americans

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COVID-19 And Its Effects on The Mental Health of Americans
The main disciplines relevant to my topic are medicine, psychology, sociology, and politics. Medicine is relevant to my topic because COVID-19 is a health problem. The virus has infected millions of Americans and caused the deaths of thousands (Emanuel et al. 2050). To prevent these numbers from growing, medical experts have had to come up with diagnostic, testing, and treatment tools for COVID-19. Also, to keep the virus from spreading, those infected are being kept in isolation, while those who have had close contact with the infected are being quarantined.
Psychology is also relevant because COVID-19 has had a significant impact on individuals’ mental health in the U.S. Data from phase II of a mental health survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that on average 19% of Americans have taken prescription medication for mental health in the last four weeks (CDC). Also, on average, 30% of Americans have suffered from an anxiety disorder in the last seven days (CDC).
The way Americans interact in their daily routines is something that has also been affected. Hence, sociology is also relevant to the topic. Lockdowns have been put in place, preventing inter-state travels (Matthewman and Kate 4). As a result, people with friends and families in different states have been kept away from each other. The youth have suffered greatly because they have been kept from school (Matthewman and Kate 4). Also, social activities such as sports and music festivals and concerts have been restricted to curb the spread of the virus.
Politics is also relevant to this topic. Once an issue this big affects the general public, politicians are bound to voice their views. In the U.S., politicians both in the government and in the opposition have voiced their opinions on how the spread of COVID-19 should be curtailed. These opinions have affected how citizens behave and also influenced their opinions about the virus (Barrios and Yael 2).
The aforementioned disciplines discuss the topic of COVID-19 and its impact on the mental health of Americans in different ways. For instance, in medicine, doctors and nurses discuss the topic from a health perspective. They use evidence from research to show how COVID-19 can be kept from spreading and, therefore, reduce mental health issues. The debate here is held in health centres and international health organizations. In psychology, psychiatrists, therapists and scholars of psychology discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of Americans as an inevitable issue. They use evidence from the virus control measures that have been p...
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