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Essay Instructions:


Instructions:  Please answer each question in an essay format.  Each essay question is worth twenty (20) points.  You should include your own theories/analysis based on the assigned readings and case studies. While answering each question, you should demonstrate your ability to analyze the issue(s) thoroughly.  You will have the entire session (6:00p to 9:00p) to complete this exam.  Good luck!

1. Choose one of the following policy issues:
a) Protection of privacy on the Internetb) The digital divide, both within the United States and internationallyc) Hate speech and First Amendment issues online (and the differences between the United States and other countries)d) Security for economic transactions on the InternetWrite a response of at least one (1) paragraph for each part, double spaced. Address these questions: What are the main aspects or points of view regarding the issue? Who are the interested parties or stakeholders? Who might gain or lose from which outcome, and why? How could the issue be resolved? Which governmental unit, court, company, or other party will or might take action to resolve the issue?
2. Because of digital technology, devices are converging: You can buy sunglasses with a built-in MP3 player or a refrigerator with an Internet connection.  Detail a novel product – an item that has not been invented or marketed yet – that would involve convergence with digital technology. This essay question is like a joke children tell: What would you get if you crossed a ------ with a -------?
3. Why is it difficult for governments  (both American and foreign governments)  to regulate content on the internet?  In particular, focus on the growth of file-sharing services both in the United States and overseas.  Describe the challenges of creating and implementing International Law related to media in general.
4. Using the example of TikTok from our Case Study, please explain the company’s success while also evaluating the difference between how a popular digital technology can bump up against the political realities of operating in multiple international markets. In addition, talk about whether you would regulate TikTok through strategies such as enacting stronger privacy/security legislation or leave the company to control its own economic practices.
5. American regulation of online content tends to focus on depictions of sexual situations, but has been criticized because it does not as closely monitor violence. This trend is typically reversed in Europe, with violence being considered as more taboo than sex. What cultural, political, or regulatory differences may account for these differences?

here are some additional readdings:







Week 2:  PRIVACY AND SECURITY CONCERNS IN DIGITAL CONTEXTConsider the key takeaways from the TikTok Case StudyHow have the U.S. Courts and legislative bodies (i.e., Congress) tried to balance these two competing interests (privacy vs. security)? 

Week 3:  CONTENT REGULATIONConsider the major issues raised in the “Google in China” case study.Compare and Contrast the different ways that censorship is carried out in the U.S., Asia, Europe and other Developing Countries

Week 4:  FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGYYou should understand how facial recognition technology is employed by businesses, law enforcement and in the Apps we utilize everyday.Understand how U.S. law has evolved as technological advances become common in the 21th Century.

Week 5:  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCECritically analyze the role that algorithms play in determining who gets hired by employers, and the limitations of relying solely on these factors when making employment decisions.Determine whether it is essential that an organization consider the regulatory implications before developing artificial intelligence software that is used in the public domain.

Week 6:  INTERNET REGULATIONUnderstand the challenges and opportunities of opening up the Internet to all communities. Focus on the Net Neutrality challenges in the U.S. and emerging countries like India.

Week 7: REMOTE MODALITYThe Microsoft Case Study and concerns about going exclusively “remote” indefinitely.What are the standards that Colleges/Universities should apply before adopting “Exam Surveillance tools” in the educational arena.  Is it unavoidable as more colleges adopt remote learning modalities? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Question #1 - Protection of privacy on the internet
What are the main aspects or points of view regarding the issue? 
Protection of privacy on the internet is a contentious issue in many countries. The government point of view is that it has the right to infringe privacy if it is in the best interest of the society. For example, if it is to find out criminals. The public point of view is that their data must not be accessible to anyone but themselves. They claim that it is their constitutional right. The tech company point of view is that any data in their custody is not accessible to anyone else but themselves. Most claim that they do not sell user data and it is solely for the purpose of improving user experience. 
Who are the interested parties or stakeholders? 
1. The public/users 
2. Government.
3. Tech companies.
Who might gain or lose from which outcome, and why?
The government is likely to lose from policies protecting privacy on the internet. It will be unable to spy on its citizens within the law. Tech companies would also lose from stronger policies protecting privacy as they thrive on mining, using and manipulating user data. The main winner would be the general public. Their privacy online would be protected and less likely be used against them by the government and tech companies.
How could the issue be resolved?
It is nearly impossible to find an amicable solution where neither of the parties will lose. However, the best approach would be to enact and enforce strong privacy laws. The government can only be allowed to spy on the individuals who they have reasonable grounds to suspect he/she is involved in criminal behavior.
Which governmental unit, court, company, or other party will or might take action to resolve the issue? 
Only the government legislature arm is capable of resolving this issue. It is responsible of making laws and it can create laws that would dictate how privacy of online users is protected. It can dictate who can collect the data and how the data is stored, accessed and used. No meaningful progress towards data privacy protection can be achieved without changing the legal framework.
Question #2 – Digital technology convergence
What would you get if you crossed a camera mounted on sunglasses with LIDAR capabilities with brain implant technology to cure blindness?The device would be designed as sunglasses but connected to a brain implant. The sunglasses would have a camera mounted in between the eyes such that it ‘sees’ what the individual would see. The camera is connected to an implant that converts the field of vision into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain via a brain implant in the occipital lobe. The electrical impulses stimulate the brain to ‘see’ and enable the individual to recognize items in their field of vision. The sunglasses can also be equipped with LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) system that can complement the shortcomings of camera in telling distance and depth of the field of view. Hence, depending on the human computer interface used preferably brain implant, the user can navigate objects in their field of view easily. 
The system is also connected to the internet such that the camera can recognize faces and relay the information to the user. The camera will have racial recognition system to enable the user to identify faces which is a key element in communication and forming human social bonds. The system is also GPS enabled and with technologies such as Google Street View, it can relay information to the user about their environment for easier movement and navigation. 
Question #3 – Content regulation and online file sharing. 
There are several reasons why regulation of file sharing on the internet is nearly impossible; first, different governments have different copyright laws and different approaches to enforcing those laws. It would be difficult for the US government to protect music created in the US from being shared in countries for example; in Russia or China. Thus, the incongruity of law enforcement techniques, capabilities and different copyright l...
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