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Literature Essay: The Use of Science in Philosophical Conception

Essay Instructions:

1. topic and requirements

What role did math and geometry play in the Western conception of truth over the past 2500 years? How did it affect conceptions of time and history in Western thought and what does it tell us about the history of Truth in the West and its relation to time? In your answer, make sure to refer to at least 4 thinkers we have discussed over the first part of the course, present and discuss how their respective conceptions of truth and perceptions of time relate to their ideas about math and geometry.

You answer should engage with the general theme of the course and ideally incorporate terms and ideas that were covered in class.

The answer needs to be between 700-1000 words. Quotes and specific page references are not mandatory but may be added at your discretion in support of your argument. However, they will not count towards the necessary word count.

2. use some reading materials i attached

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Use of Science in Philosophical Conception
Science and faith have always been up against each other when conveying messages of truth and facts. Believers in Science thinks that it is superior because it proves many things on earth like the composition of matters, the universe, the human body, and the content of every existing thing in the world. They believe science can logically explain its theories and assumptions on things. On the other hand, those who hold faith in unseen beings or gods express their belief through their faith. They, too, could not explain or do not know how things are happening, but their faith allows them to believe whatever unseen events there are. Science and faith have long been in contrast in claiming what is right and what is more believable.
One of the scientific aspects that have been up for debate even in the old times is mathematics. Contrary to people’s belief that mathematics is pure numbers and equations, mathematics also happens logically and scientifically. The equations in mathematics do not only rely on the numbers but also the accuracy of equations and solutions. One aspect of mathematics is geometry used in several ways, from basic shape lessons to architectural designs. Geometry has been helping in the convenience of people, especially in terms of designs and construction.
Geometry has long been in existence since the time of the Greeks. Evidence of geometrical use can be found in the Greeks’ ways of living, from their wall writings to their utensils. Their use of geometry entails that even in the earlier times, geometry has served convenience to the people. It was used in house design, utensils, weapons, and even in clothing.
Aside from its use in designs and constructions, geometry has also been used as a tool to conceive time and truth in the early times. The truth we are talking about here is more on the philosophical and religious side. That is why it is somehow contradictory to put science and truth together in this discussion. However, there was a time in history when geometry was used to elucidate the world’s truth and faith. It is also used to develop a time system that is a foundation of our time system today. Geometry has helped in identifying the existence of time in our space. Several philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and many more have contributed to discussing geometrical aspects of truth and time.
In the discussion of Aristotle’s metaphysics, it is said that despite the existing shapes and measurements, there are things that we cannot measure, and we will not be able to. It implies that there must be smaller things than the smallest matter we find and larger things than the most considerable matter we know. Those sizes may also be beyond our knowledge, so we could not measure them with our existing measurement system. On the other hand, the philosopher Anaxagoras of Clazomenae believed that our principles and belief are unending compared to numbers. Because numbers can go as long as they...
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