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Analysis Of Candide by the author Voltaire

Essay Instructions:

I need this paper to include more of an analysis on the book and my thesis, the thesis could also provide more information as well but it gives a rough outline. I have about 1/3 of the paper written which I can attactch and have added on to, all I need is for it to be completed before 11:25pm.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lauren Stephens
Professor Julius
College Writing 1
October 21st, 2020
Image Analysis
Several philosophers are known to be influential due to their values and beliefs. Voltaire was one of the most influential philosophers of all time who greatly contribute to the Enlightenment. He held many strong beliefs that included the efficiency of reason, providing evidence that social progress may only be conducted through individual logic and reasoning, without authority. In the text Candide, the author Voltaire depicted his philosophies to the audience through the use of symbolism, in showing his insights on the world. 
Throughout the book, the main character Candide is depicted to the audience as a naive individual who is essentially traveling the world. He can be easily influenced by other stronger characters. The name Candide suggests fair-mindedness from the Latin root word candidus. The portrayal of his name can be seen from the start of the novel wherein Candide is depicted as an innocent who adores his tutor’s philosophy. During his travels, he comes across several other characters, who each hold a purposeful philosophy of Voltaire. One of the main themes presented that depicts Voltaire’s philosophies is the corruption of power through the means of gaining more wealth. Mainly, Candide embodies this when he comes across a fortune of his own when he had traveled to Eldorado. Candide had become so entranced by his newfound wealth, that he thought he was practically invincible. With this, Candide even went as far as to convince himself that he would be able to bribe his way out of almost anything. However, the more he acquired great wealth, the more he becomes unhappy. His wealth has caught the attention of several people pretending to be his friends. It shows that money can be a solution but at the same time, it can also create another set of problems. Using Candide for this philosophy was a great depiction of this theme because it shows that even someone as optimistic and honest as Candide can find themselves corrupted with the power of money.
Another philosophy that Voltaire includes in his book is the theme of human suffering. Many of the book characters vastly contrast one another to identify better what each character stands for. Voltaire intensified many of these characters and their storylines to further add to his ideologies. The most fitting example of this is the older woman and the story of her former life. At one point in the novel, ...
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