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Compassion to Humanity, Humanity and Natural World, Reputation, and Rational Reasoning

Essay Instructions:

Please write three essays in the required number of words. This essay is used for midterm exam. Because of the time limit, please write three essays in simple language according to the information provided. The reference work cited is in parentheses.
Its for the US high school senior!
It begins with the four Indian Tribes and their legends, The Earth on Turtles Back, When Grizzly's Walked Upright, The Navajo Origin Legend and The Iroquois Constitution. There are a few questions on joumals and who kept them. It also covers John Smith and the Jamestown Colony and William Bradford and the Plymouth Plantation. (The Earth on the Turtle's Back)
We then move to the Puritan Influence with Anne Bradstreet, To My Dear and Loving Husband, Edward Taylor, Huswifery, Jonathan Edwards with Sinners in the hands of an Angry God and Arthur Miller's The Crucible. (The Crucible)
It then moves to The Age of Reason, with Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Crevecoeur, and Phillis Wheatley. Along with Abigail Adams. Once we have left the time of the Patriots we go to the Romantic Age. This includes Washington Irving and The Devil and Tom Walker. The Fireside Poets, Longfellow , Bryant and Holmes. We have selections by Edgar Allan Poe and finally the Dark Side of Romanticism Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. It will also include the Transcendentalists, Emerson and Thoreau. (The age of reason)

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Compassion to Humanity
Captain John Smith was the most influential figure in early 1600. They presented impressive aspects of settling in America create a new image of the country. As one of the military men, Smith established a new world in the US. Meanwhile, Branford focused on community development and delivering services to different groups of people. Their views of the native population had a critical context. Hard work was one of the Smith major themes which he promoted by encouraging voyage settlement and other economic aspects in America. On the other hand, Bradford focused on the religious context of different groups of people and enhanced religious beliefs and teachings. Therefore, the authors differ significantly from the way the influenced and viewed America as a country worth living. Smith compassion to humanity and moral is outstanding. Consequently, the two authors agree on one thing that the new world should be inhabited and hardworking people can find an opportunity of sustaining their lives.
Humanity and Natural World
Moby is a movie that depicts nature as an essential component of human life. It explains this with references of impression and diverse context of human and the natural world. For instance, it symbolically uses the framework of whales to solve different issues such as the relationship that humanity has with the natural world. Ahab is one of the characters possessed by the negative elements of nature (Melville et al., 1). On the other hand, life is thought as the collection of resources that should be utilized for the benefits of a human. Most of the characters focus on the natural world as a gift of nature that provides the source of life. Other aspects of nature include the supernatural...
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