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Common Core Standards And Language Barriers In Learning

Essay Instructions:

Unit IV: Interweavings

For this assignment, you will choose two texts we have read in class throughout the

semester and craft an argument around a shared theme from your chosen texts. To begin

thinking about what kind of argument you'd like to make, return to some of the ideas we

have been discussing throughout the semester, such as language barriers, national

borders, and language diversity in education, and think about what kind of statement you

may want to make about one of these issues. The texts we will read and discuss this unit

will add questions of cultural borders and assimilation to this list.

An argument is an idea or opinion that is supported with facts or evidence. A thesis

statement is a term for the sentence(s) where you state this argument. It is important to

note that a thesis statement is not a retelling of facts or a summary; rather, it is an original,

arguable point that someone could disagree with. Additional resources about developing

and supporting a thesis statement will be on Moodle.

Like Unit III on rhetorical analysis, this unit will also go beyond summarizing and

responding to a text. Learning about developing an argument will also help you continue to

refine the skills we have been working on throughout the semester, such as developing

ideas, quoting from outside texts, and incorporating your own personal thoughts and


1. http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2011/06/26/magazine/my-life-as-an-undocumented-immigrant.html?pagewanted=all

2. http://www(dot)slate(dot)com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2014/10/14/english_variation_not_related_to_intelligence_code_switching_and_other_ways.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Common core standards and language barriers in learning
language barrier is a major problem when it comes to learning especially for immigrants in United States and around the world. Common core standards were designed with the aim of making sure that the education system is standardized but little attention was paid to the manner in which they were developed. The kind of diversity that characterizes the United States education system is something that needs to be looked at in terms of the way in which challenges can be addressed. Immigrants find it hard to perform better and this can be attributed to the subjective nature of the education system that they come into contact with along the way. Little effort has been put in place to make sure that common core standards address challenges that immigrants go through when it comes to learning English as their second language. This essay explores the issue of language barrier in learning and the role that common core standards play in fuelling the same. Common core standards are an impediment to effectively dealing with language barriers in learning for immigrants.
Common core standards are part of the education system in the United States and schools are supposed to adhere to them. Immigrants on the other hand join institutions of learning because they seek knowledge to improve themselves. However, they end up finding themselves in an education system that is stacked up against them and they have to deal with the challenge of language barrier. Grasping concepts that they are taught in class is a major concern for teachers in the United States and this has been found to slow down their rate of learning. Immigrants are immersed in classes where only English is the language that is spoken and they have to keep up with the learning trends that they are subjected to along the way. The system has done less to address the kind of challenges that they face in learning institutions and thus the negative impact that this has on learning outcomes in general. Common core standards are therefore ineffective in dealing with cultural language and barriers from the start.
Immigrants have to go through standardized tests that are written in a language that they do not understand and thus the challenge of dealing with the outcome whether positive or negative. Common core standards and a measure of intelligence levels among immigrants can therefore be termed as being too subjective in nature ...
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