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Discuss Is University College Education Necessary?

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Discuss Is university college education necessary?

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Why college education is necessary
College education has become an integral part of life. It is the next level of education after graduating from the high school level. University education serves as an opportunity that an individual uses to further their studies and specialize in their career life. Due to some reasons argued for and against university education. Different people have raised the question of the necessity of college education. Apart from having various benefits associated with colleges, there are some of the reasons that try to prove that college education is not necessary. This study analyzes both reason argued for and against university education in order to prove why university education is necessary.
University education is necessary. Firstly, as a university student, I have gotten a first-hand experience and benefits of college education. This has strongly affected and shaped my response to agreeing on the necessity of university education. Some of the reasons that will support my stand on this subject include:
University education brings uncountable benefits and opportunities. To get a job that is paying handsomely to date and in this generation, it requires either college or even university education. ‘On average and for most people postsecondary education has a high payoff,’ ("Benefits Of Higher Education: Graduate Salaries And More"). Gone are the days where high school education was valued and could not be differentiated from a university education. This has been greatly attributed to the fact that there is a shift that has seen the manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based economy. College education has obtained an advantage and hence can be separated from high school education, and multiple comparisons can be drawn from the two, with university education having the upper hand. Another opportunity that one can benefit from university education includes social networks and connection. These connections are usually useful when one starts a job search after graduation.
Knowledge is always power. Our lives can be changed to a better status by ensuring that we learn our interests. High school teaches the general fundamentals and these are in most cases insufficient in the succeeding real world. ‘The evidence is clear that some form of postsecondary education is a necessary element of successful, independent lives for most people in today’s economy,’ ("Benefits Of Higher Education: Graduate Salaries And More"). After graduation, people may just see a certificate. But the value embedded in those certificates in enough to change a person’s life forever.
Universities are filled by students from different cultures and nations. Our interpersonal and communication skills are boosted during bonding and interaction with different students. Such skills are important when applied in the real world. The institutions help students in finding connections and form networks necessary for employment or a start-up company. ‘The review comes up with more than 50 recommendations including measures to improve the employability of graduates by reviving sandwich courses and expanding opportunities for internships’(Catcheside). Interaction ensures that there is respect among students. Respect among people leads to mutual participation in different situations. This helps people to work together leading to acquiring leadership skills and developing other skills that lead to the development of personal growth.
More jobs are being created each day. Some of these jobs being created are usually very tough and require certain individuals who are usually specialists in those required fields. University education helps one to prepare for such tougher jobs. Apart from though jobs in the market, jobs are constantly changing and individuals need to be prepared with such a changing environment. University education helps equip individuals with skills that can help them survive in such a changing environment.
Higher job satisfaction is usually experienced with college graduates. ‘It seems to me that these are that characteristics that any education establishment should be seeking to encourage and create among all its students…They aren't just the marks of someone who would be a good employee. They are the marks of a good democrat, a good parent, a person who is capable of happiness and contributing to the happiness of others,’ (Catcheside). Promotions are usually given to workers who have shown great working skills, knowledge and ethics. University education ensures that an individual is equipped with the requisite skills hence serving as an added advantage. University educated workers are given priority during the award of promotions hence making it easier for one to climb the corporate ladder to a high-profile individual.
Most students who enroll in university education get a chance to meet and be taught by experts in different fields. These experts possess knowledge and experiences required in the real world. Students get a chance to learn the experts’ knowledge, and experience which makes their translation in the real world is easier. By learning different experience, students are ready to face the real world because they know what to know and what to avoid. This is better because they will have already learnt from other people’s experiences than their own which could be devastating if they had not attended college and may not know how to get back to their feet in the shortest time possible.
Many individuals decide to further their education with a major incentive of earning more than what they used to in their previous jobs and positions. Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are one of the main avenues that one can use to get a higher pay. There is a gap between what high school graduate earn to what those with university education earn. Such a gap has been brought about by different levels of educations required by different positions in different companies.
Different organizations require that their employees have attained a university degree for them to qualify for certain benefits provided by the company. Such benefits include retirement and investment plans, travel, and health insurance. These benefits are usually not offered to workers with lower levels of education. Such benefits are usu...
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