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Harvard Medical School Now Sends Young Doctors To Art Classes

Essay Instructions:

You have 90 minutes to write a well-organized, coherent 800 - 1000-word essay on the following topic. The essay should include specific examples from your research and personal experience. Your opening paragraph should make clear what you plan to discuss, and your body paragraphs should develop the ideas that you set out in the introduction. You should end with a conclusion that ties the essay together. Your essay will be graded holistically, according to the complexity and focus of your claim, the relevance and analysis of your support, the logical organization of your essay, the clarity of your paragraphs, and your attention to the conventions of Standard Written American English. You will complete your paper using MLA Style. Topic: 1. Harvard Medical School now sends young doctors to art classes. Apparently, doctors who learn to pay close attention to works of visual art become much better at studying and diagnosing their patients during visits. Why do you think this might be true? Should everyone go to art class?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Harvard Medical School now sends young doctors to art classes
Literature & Language
Why Art is Important in Medicine
It is hard for medical students to think that they have got time to play viola or gaze at paintings. All their focus is on cramming the tests of anatomy. The Harvard Medical School has got different thoughts about the same. They think that students should be doing more of it. In order to make students more of reflective and empathetic doctors, Harvard Medical students have taken an initiative of introducing art into their curriculum. They are sending medical students to literature, dance and drama classes (Bailey, 2015). Students involved in scrutinizing paintings come out with improved empathy and skills in observation. Apparently, the students who get involved in visual arts have come out to be the best in diagnosis and studying of their patients.
The above description shows that art plays a vital role in building doctors as well as our day in day out life. Rowther in his article emphasizes on the speech by Fareed Zakaria. In his speech, he defended the role of liberal arts in other disciplines as well as life in general. He said “A liberal education is an education to free the mind from dogma, from controls, from constraints.  It is an exercise in freedom”. Art frees the minds of students who are endorsed in complex courses as medicine. Rowther highlights the importance of students taking a consideration of liberal arts in the article. The following three reasons are the ones he gave.
Art improves communication skills. In his article, he writes, liberal art gives a student the power of words. Words are the foundation of communication. Good communication skills foster the relationship between the doctor and the patient. In spite of the advanced technology that has incredibly transformed the medical sector, communication remains a vital tool in the medical procedures. In consideration of the increasing infant mortality rates; the common causes are being associated with societal and behavioral factors. This is a public health issue that it will only require good communication to the public at large. It can be in terms of counseling or just creating awareness. In order to change people or shape ideas, it does not require some heroic acts but just the understanding of the power of words. I remember when I first went to a therapist due to some traumatic experiences I had. I thought that she was going to impose on me some dosage of medicines, but to my surprise, she only used words. Through the words, I slowly left behind the past and embraced the present- I healed from trauma. Through the words, one learns empathy which leads to proper care.
Art boosts lifelong learning and critical thinking...
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