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A Human Relations Concept Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

paper (Essay) Two (1500 Word MINIMUM)- Analyze the importance a human relations concept you determine to a situation in your personal. How did you see it exemplified (or was it not demonstrated, but should've been). Define the term per the text, and use sources to support your claims. Graphical elements are fine, but do not reduce the work count.

Unacceptable topics for these papers:




Conflict Resolution

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MEETS OR EXCEEDS WORD COUNT MINIMUM. Short assignments will receive a an automatic 1/2 deduction on the total points of the assignment.

One-inch margins: Top, bottom, left and right

Name, class and date in the RIGHT HAND corner of the page

Times or Arial fonts at MAXIMUM SIZE 12 point ONLY

You will be graded on the usage of correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. No text-ease (IDK, BFF, LMK, C, K, etc), or other slang/colloquialisms are acceptable in your paper, unless correctly presented.

I reserve the right to award a ZERO for any typed assignment that contains three (3) or more typographical or grammatical errors, one (1) lowercase “I” or lowercase “u” in place of the word, “you;” or that fails to include sources as required.

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Use sources and give them credit in the answers. Your textbook is one source, you can use as many as you want. In your responses, I am looking for a demonstration that you have learned the material prescribed in the syllabus and that you are clearly able to apply the concepts to real-world scenarios and dilemmas. DO NOT LIST THEM AT THE END, reference them within the writing.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
A Human Relations Concept
Currently in the job market, there are long standing organizations known for having employees with the right blend of talents and skills crucial for their sustained growth through the inclusion of efficient human relations concepts. With a considerable wealth of knowledge on employee relations, development, and training, these organizations are in a position to pride their selves on people management. Having worked for such establishment, managers believe that the employees stand at the core of the ventures success, with efforts put in place with the aim of supporting workers in achieving both their professional and personal goals. In other words, to attract and retain the right skills in organizations, there is a need to ensure that effective human relations concepts are incorporated in running organizations.
An effective evidence-based human relations concept denotes the need for companies to adopt diversity and additionally offer flexible working environments in an enterprising and safe environment that helps in facilitating the employee’s capacity to achieve their goals and that of the company. In other words, company’s need to purpose on committing to treat their employees with fairness and outermost dignity and in turn expect them to adhere to higher standards of behavior that reflects the company’s values of responsibility pioneering, integrity, and respect. This paper therefore seeks to apply a human relations concept to a situation experienced within my profession. Through this, the paper will determine the manner in which the concept was exemplified in addressing the situation.
Situation in my Profession
In several situations, employees bring forth complaints over allegations of discrimination and harassment within an organization as soon as they transpire. More commonly reported cases are those of sexual harassment that has seen other workers try to cope with the situations through the use of different strategies that negate the process of reporting the incidences. In establishing methods of dealing with discrimination and harassment, employees may be subjected to factors such as the tones set by the management, responses they are bound to get when they raise such issues, and the alternatives they may encounter in the event they lose their jobs as a result of rocking the boat(Borsos 502). A combination of this may therefore result into a barrier to reporting amongst employees especially for individuals identified on multiple grounds and may face a considerable amount of hurdles in the job market.
Having worked partially in one organization, I was in a position to witness an instance of workplace discrimination and harassment. In this case, an aboriginal employee had been repeatedly and openly exposed to instances of harassment and discrimination within a male-dominated work environment. She chose to cope with this situation by keeping herself at work while getting emotional support from her family members at home. The employee additionally failed to follow in the company’s internal procedure that allows workers with such complaints to file their issues since she believed she would be branded as a troublemaker. The employee additionally found it hard to inform the management on the issues since she remembers how much hard it was to find a job with good benefits and steady hours (Borsos 503). Ultimately, this harassment led to the termination of her employment with the company, an action that saw her take action under the Code. The company’s human resource department was consequently held liable for failing to address discrimination and harassment that it ought to have known about in as much as the employee failed to raise allegations while still under employment.
Application of a Human Relations Concept
The relationship that exists between an employee and his employees as established byBorsosremains a key deciding factor in establishing mutual trust between the two parties. In other words,employees need to develop trust for their employees and vice versa. Given this, the trust element helps in establishing a strong relationship between the two parties, with this considered as a significant element in building a foundation of relationships between the employee and the employees (504). In a nutshell, Borsos defines employee relations as the sum total of relationships between the employers (including their representatives) and the employees (and their representatives) in relation to the establishment of effective terms and conditions of employment. From the employee relations view, employees are perceived as assets rather than liabilities, with the element of open communication and goal orientation encouraged in spurring the relationship (505). In as much as therefore are legitimate differences that exist between workers and their employers, the primary aim of employee relations remains in reducing the conflicts within the work environment through established relationships and effective procedures. Organizations that seek for effective approaches aimed at improving their competitiveness and profitability need to centralize their objectives on the efficiency and effectiveness of employees.
In consideration of the complexities witnessed in the organization I worked for, it is essential to consider that dealing wit...
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