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College Athletes Should be Paid for being on Sports Team

Essay Instructions:


For my topic question I want my writer to side Yes athletes should be paid for being on a sport team.

Also I want ONLY an outline.

I also want all the 5 type of claims in the small intro thesis that I need inside my outline, but from my writers perspective not the 5 type of claims from my sources.

5 type of claims being

- claim of fact

- claim of definition

- claim of cause

- claim of value

-claim of policy

I also need an annotated bibliography on my outline as well towards the end of the page like the example i will be attaching and also the annotated bibliography I need in both MLA & APÁ

Also sources need to be from my college library I will attached the link below


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Should College Students Be Paid?
Topic: Should College Players be paid?
Claim of fact: Many colleges are now increasingly adopting pay for college athletes in addition to scholarships and other benefits.
Claim of definition: Payment to college students means salaries and wages on top of the other benefits such as scholarships and nonmonetary benefits.
Claim of cause: The huge income that college sports bring to colleges forces them to pay athletes so that they can retain the best talent.
Claim of value: Rewards that do not include wages and salary are more meaningful to college students.
Claim of policy: College students should be paid because it motivates them to perform better, they take as much time as full-time jobs, and colleges make a fortune from college sports.
From the claims, the policy claim is one of the standout claims and, therefore, the best to argue with. However, the claims of definition and value are also important. Colleges claim they do pay the athletes, but they only provide other benefits, including scholarships and access to other amenities. At the same time, other people insist that the nonmonetary gains are the most meaningful compared to salaries and wages, which would reduce the value of sports. The claim of policy, however, is the strongest. College students have to be paid since they spend a lot of time, have huge expenses, and make colleges a lot of money.
* Introduction
* Colleges regard scholarships and other benefits as payments to the athletes.
* NonmonetaryNonmonetary benefits for college athletes are more important than salaries and wages.
* Proposition
College athletes have to be since they make a lot of money for the colleges, sacrifice a lot of time playing instead of studying, and pay for other college expenses.
* Proof
* College students make a lot of money from colleges
* Ticket purchases to games
* Corporate sponsorships
* Television contracts.
* Athletes sacrifice a lot of time in sports
* Training before the games
* Game days include game preparations and traveling to games.
* Students have many expenses they have to pay for
* Accommodation is mostly paid for by the student, even on a full scholarship.
* They have to buy books and other personal expenses such as food.
* Refutation
* Paying college students would kill the sport of college football.
* Athletes would never feel associated with school and the spirit other than for the money.
* The system would focus more on money rather school heritage for the students.
* There would be no party in payments of college students.
* Different schools have different earnings, which gives them the advantage of getting the best talent at the expense of others.
* Students would not be paid the same amount, which would lead to conflicts between the athletes.
* Other students are not as connected to the school more than college athletes.
* All the students feel the same connection to the schools, whether they are regular students or paid athletes.
* Students have different goals in school, and each has its path to take.
* Paying athletes would, on the contrary, improve parity
* Nontraditional sporting schools would attract athletes in the same way due to pay.
* The recruiting process would be more honest, giving more chances to more players.
* Conclusion
* College athletes need to be paid for their sacrifice in the sport.
* Paying college athletes would help them save for the future and earn from their talent.
* Paying college students would enable them to pay for other expenses needed in school.
Annotated Bibliography
Bush, J. (2017). Student or Professional Athlete - Tax Implications in the United States If College Athletes Were to Be Classified as Paid Employees. Labor Law Journal, 68, 58.
Bush, Joel. “Student or Professional Athlete - Tax Implications in the United States If College Athletes Were to Be Classified as...
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