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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Reflection on Academic Journey on Reading and Writing

Essay Instructions:

For your first reflection I'd like to:

1) spend some time thinking about who you are as a writer, your relationship to writing, and your goals for this quarter - - both as a writer and critical reader. You can recount past experiences in writing courses, writing you have enjoyed or struggled with, or anything else that might help situate your experiences. After doing this reflecting, I'd like you to consider how these experiences might continue shaping you -- especially in ways that you think will benefit you as you grow as a writer. For instance, do you bring unique perspectives and experiences to the classroom? How might you harness those this quarter? Try to use specific examples and details to support your claims and ideas.

2) describe what you know about zines, and where you learned about them. If you don't know what a zine is (no worries!), scroll through our syllabus and see what catches your eye. What intrigues you? What are you interested in learning more about?

3) finally, to facilitate our discussions about genre this quarter, describe your favorite genre of music, movies/tv, or (ideally) books. What is the genre? What are some of its defining characteristics? How do you recognize it? How do you distinguish it from other genres?

In total, this response should be a minimum of two pages. This assignment is graded on completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Question 1
A significant portion of an academic journey is spent on reading and writing. Students often have to read instructions from the professor before attempting to write their assignments. These and other reading and writing instances have significantly contributed to my reading and writing experiences. The experience I have significantly shaped my contemporary and future practice in reading and writing in critical thinking, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and improving my communication skills.
Every reading and writing session requires critical thinking. In reading, critical thinking helps me deduce the direct and hidden meanings in a text that aids me in analyzing it. An example is that I will have a significant impact during group and class discussions through my experience in reading and writing when analyzing literature books. Critical thinking is also essential in writing because it ensures that I can sieve through a pool of ideas and only include the most important ones.
Intensive reading and writing are important for vocabulary development. My writing and reading experience add prowess to my vocabulary development. I can use these vocabularies in classroom discussions and future writing assignments to help me express original ideas and avoid plagiarizing someone's work, especially in assignments that have been extensively explored. It would be vital to alter the vocabulary used in such assignments.
My experience in reading and writing will also help boost my reading fluency and improve my communication skills. Fluency in reading is vital in building confidence and earning trust from people. People often like to be associated with a person who can read fluentl y because it shows they are brilliant. Additionally, the experience boosted my communication skills because I would have developed my vocabulary and ensured fluency in reading and speaking, always pronouncing words correctly.
Question 2
A zine is a small publication, often original, and addresses a single issue. It encompasses images, texts, and graphics. Zines are creatively and freely done without following a specific format. A zine is produced in small production and often done using a simple printer or a photocopier. I learned about zines through YouTube. One day, I was surfing the internet and came across the word zine, which m...
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