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Mother’s Role in “The Wisdom of the New” and Disappearing Moon Café

Essay Instructions:

Essay Writing Guideline

Essay topic is: Empowered Mother in an alien Land – discuss mother’s role in book of “The Wisdom of the New” and "Disappearing Moon Café" by Sky Lee

The assignment of a paper (2,500 words, from 10 to 12 pages, double-spaced) on a particular text or texts is designed to engage you as a student in a direct relationship with what you are reading in class. Such a paper must take the form of a proper research paper and one must be familiar with good research practice and correct form.

Research Practice
Writing research papers easily and well is a cultivated skill that any educated person should be able to acquire. A research paper is a technical form of writing that has the special purpose of presenting a coherent statement on a limited topic supported by reference to work previously done on the subject. Consult your syllabus for a good range of general reference works and research sources on particular works. Make use of the lists of works cited by your research sources to track down more sources. Originality in a research paper is judged by how effectively the sources are covered and the balance and clarity with which the conclusions are made.

Correct Form
Form is not merely a matter of appearances; it is generally agreed upon practice, which assists the writer in organization and promotes clarity for the reader. A paper with bad form, i.e. poor citation of sources or sub-standard English (or sub-standard Chinese), is not acceptable. Writing in the proper form takes time and should not be left to the last minute. Problems with mastery of correct form usually fall into two categories: writing in general and citation of sources.

Writing in General
Outlining is too often considered an unnecessary burden. When used with some flexibility it becomes the most important device for organizing your thoughts and writing well. A general outline of how to approach any topic might appear as follows:
1. Introduction
a) state the topic of your paper
b) briefly explain your approach
c) state the conclusion or thesis that you intend to demonstrate
2. Main body
a) work through points for and against your argument
b) you may want to break this part of the paper into subsections
3. Conclusion
a)a brief summary showing how you have supported your conclusion

Proper paragraphing is important in writing the paper itself. Each paragraph should have one central idea usually stated in the topic sentence. The topic sentence may begin the paragraph and be followed by supporting evidence, or may come at the end of the paragraph with the supporting evidence building up to it. The supporting evidence usually answers such questions as “why,” “where,” “how,” or “when” about the point given in the topic sentence. Make use of your college writing labs; they will review your paper and help you sort out problems with correct form.

Citation of Sources
In writing a research paper, one inevitably refers to what others have said on some aspect of the subject. The best method of citation is by marked quotation, which means setting in quotation marks the appropriate and exact words of a source used in the paper and providing a note for it. Less satisfactory is a summary in one’s own words with a note referring to the source for further details. The worst practice, and one that is not acceptable here, is to copy parts of a source and mix it with one’s own words in a half-quote-half-summary that leaves the reader in doubt as to who said what. One should strive to write so that the reader can see where all points of information come from and what parts of the discussion and translation are the writer’s own. You are free to quote from translations of works provided you cite them clearly.

Plagiarism is absolutely prohibited. Any action of plagiarism will result in academic penalty.

Examples of plagiarism:
1. You copy sentences from someone’s book or article or another person’s essay without quotation marks and acknowledgement in a footnote.
2. You follow someone else’s ideas or interpretation rather than your own without acknowledgement in a note.
Your essay should be your own but you must indicate fully the sources from which you learned.

These may appear all together as endnotes on a separate page just before the list of works cited, or as footnotes at the bottom of the page on which the reference occurs. The references should be indicated in your text with a superscript number and be numbered consecutively. It is very important to keep a standard guide to citation forms on hand (K. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Thesis and Dissertations; or The Chicago Manual of Style for example). Choose one form and follow it consistently. Here are some examples of one possible for:

Fung Yu-lan, A History of Chinese Philosophy, trans. Derk Bodde (Princeton, 1952-53),

[author] [book title] [translator or editor] [place] [year] II, 405. [vol.] [p.]

Anne Birrell, “Mythmaking,” Journal of American Oriental Society 109, no.1

[author] [article title] [journal title] [vol.] [no.]

(Apr. 1989): 225.

[date] [p.]

Ensuring citations can be given in an abbreviated form consisting of the author’s name and the page number (ex., 9Birrell, 228.) If there is more than one work by the same author, then a shortened form of the title should be included (ex., 12Fung, History, I, 34).

List of Works Cited
Note that items in the list of works cited takes a slightly different form than in the notes. They are listed on the last page in alphabetical order by surname and are not numbered. Examples:

Fung Yu-lan. A History of Chinese Philosophy. 2 vols. Translated by Derk Bodde. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952-53.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s name:
Empowered Mother in an Alien Land – Mother’s Role in the ‘The Wisdom of the New” and “Disappearing Moon Café”
Mothers and motherhood make integral elements of any given society across the social, political, and economic global divide. Traditionally, mothers are responsible for the growth and development of cultures or communities due to their unique biological function of conception, carrying the subsequent pregnancies to birth, and nurturing the newly born from early childhood to adulthood. The maternal instincts are central to their success and ability to attend to their children’s needs from their early days as infants to adulthood or the accepted age for embracing self-care. Maternal care may take different forms, including provision, protection, and induction of acceptable moral and social behavior. The provision of motherly care never ceases. Even in adulthood or old age, a mother’s descendants will always seek their input on various issues affecting their lives, making motherhood a lifelong commitment. However, not all mothers take this approach to motherhood or assume such lifelong roles of nurturing their children. For instance, some mothers end their care at a certain age in their children’s lives based on the assumption that the latter can take care of themselves. In essence, mothers play significant roles in societies that function on equally diverse external factors dictating both the role mothers and their approach to executing their crucial mandates. Cultural orientation, for instance, plays a significant role in determining the role of a mother and the motherhood approach embraced by women from a given community. A mother’s role from the Chinese cultural perspective, for example, may illustrate significant differences from the Western perspective of a mother’s role and motherhood as a whole. Hence, it is imperative to understand the diverse external or non-biological factors influencing the identification of a mother’s role and the motherhood approach associated with mothers across various social settings. This research paper embarks on a comprehensive evaluation of the mother’s role through the lens of Edith Maude Eaton’s The Wisdom of the New and Sky Lee’s Disappearing Moon Café. The renowned author’s in Chinese literature provide an excellent platform for the analysis and evaluation of the external or non-biological factors that define a mother’s role based on their interesting accounts unfolding in their works. A recurring theme in both texts is that cultural orientation and cross-cultural integration dictate the role a mother embraces at both the family and community levels. In Eaton’s The Wisdom of the New, a Chinese immigrant’s wife, Pau Lin, maintains her cultural background in a foreign country and rebels against her son’s assimilation into the Western culture. On the other hand, Lee’s Disappearing Moon Café highlights the concerns of a fifth-generation Chinese Canadian mother, Kae Ying Woo, as she traces her ancestry to establish her identity and her role as a mother as dictated by her culture. Thus, this paper seeks to make and defend the claim that cultural orientation and acculturation are critical determinants of the role of a mother in society.
Mother’s Role in the ‘The Wisdom of the New” and “Disappearing Moon Café”
A mother plays the vital role of upholding and maintaining the family’s honor and cultural identity to be passed down to future generations as embedded in one’s cultural orientation. Eaton’s The Wisdom of the New reiterates the vital role played by mothers to this end of honoring one’s family name. Wou Sankwei, the husband of the narrative’s protagonist Pau Lin, is dissuaded by his mother not to become a fisherman as that would dishonor his father’s legacy. Sankwei was the only son of his late father, a town magistrate, and thus taking a fisherman’s job would be a humiliation to the familyCITATION Far13 \p 28 \l 1033 (Far 28). It was unacceptable, and his mother embraced her role of upholding and maintaining the family’s honor by advising her son against starting a career in the fishing industry. Wou Sankwei’s mother also played a significant role in ensuring the continuity of the family’s legacy by blessing her son to go to the United States upon finding him a wifeCITATION Far13 \p 29 \l 1033 (Far 29). The fact that she found a wife for him signifies a mother’s role of ensuring the family’s continuity that would further honor the family’s name while upholding its cultural orientation or identity. Edith Maude Eaton, also known as Sui Sin Far, additionally makes a strong argument for the role played by a mother in upholding the family values, traditions, and practices through her depiction of Pau Lin’s staunch resistance to Western culture. Pau Lin does not hide her distaste for her husband’s westernized manners in engaging with their White women visitors. She quickly notes that her husband is very talkative around the white ladies whenever they visit and remains quiet when it’s just the two of them in the houseCITATION Far13 \p 30 \l 1033 (Far 30). Wou Sankwei’s, Pau Lin’s husband, assimilation into the Western culture and his perceived pride in the same creates cultural conflict in their household. Pau Lin sees acculturation as a threat to her son’s cultural identity rooted in Chinese traditions and practices.
Consequently, the mother of one takes up drastic measures to safeguard her son’s cultural identity from the Western pollution that has taken a toll on her husband. Kae Ying Woo’s concern for her cultural identity in Disappearing Moon Café appears to be the underlying factor behind her quest to investigate her family’s past to some interesting revelations about her origin. Like Pau Lin, she embraces the role of a mother in understanding her cultural background but comes to a different conclusion when it comes to upholding her cultural identity. Kae Ying Woo’s quest thrives on her purpose to understand her ancestor’s values, principles, traditions, and practices to foster a cultural base for her fifth-generation Chinese Canadian child. Kae Ying’s journey into the past reveals that her great-grandmother, Lee-Mui Lan, harbored an obsession with upholding the family’s honor and cultural identityCITATION Lee06 \p 72 \l 1033 (Lee 72). Her obsession manifested in her son's nagging to bear a grandchild for her and her estranged husband, Wong Gwei ChangCITATION Lee06 \p 72 \l 1033 (Lee 72). Mui-Lan’s commitment to providing a grandson to her husband through their son, Wong Choy Fuk, reiterates the mother’s role to uphold the family’s honor and cultural identity to be passed on from generation to generation. Mui Lan also maintains her unhappy marriage to keep the name or honor of her husband’s family name as per the dictates of Chinese traditions and practices. In essence, a mother’s role in both texts forms an intersection in upholding family honor and its cultural identity as dictated by the Chinese cultural orientation.
A mother’s protective nature for her children also makes for one of their key roles in motherhood, influenced by one’s cultural integration and interaction. Acculturation, for instance, poses significant challenges and opportunities for a mother, which shapes her protective approach to raising her children. In Eaton’s The Wisdom of the New, P...
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