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Are Vampires Good or Evil?

Essay Instructions:

5 page essay (1250-1750 words) analyzing a work of literature covered in class, in light of the theoretical articles and discussions we have had so far, and supported by at least 2 secondary peer-reviewed articles

I already did a head start on the introduction you can continue and I will give you the secondary sources I have found. As Well as the primary sources.

In Haraway's article focus on the dualism part.

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April 5th, 2022
Are Vampires Good or evil?
Vampire novels and movies have been an ongoing genre with different points and information. The world of darkness has remained intriguing to a majority of people. Individuals want to know more about a world beyond the universe. Vampires, in particulate, have been instrumental in demonstrating how the world of darkness operates. They have since historical times been hidden from people and exist in their elaborate communities. While some vampire novels are set in the past, most are contemporary and entail an urban setting. Vampire stories have attracted several writers who have proved to expound more on the genre. One of the most remarkable is "Interview with the Vampire," written by the American author Anne Rice. The novel explores the life of a vampire and demonstrates that the creatures are neither all evil nor all good.
Individuals consider vampires to be evil because of their nature. Vampires are known to roam the world at night, looking for people to feed on. Their major characteristic is drinking human blood. They most hunt their victims during the night because sunlight diminishes their powers. Vampires take advantage of their superior powers to drain their victim's blood, killing them and later turning them into vampires. Since humans are the primary predators, it is easy to label them as evil. For instance, Louis, Lestat, and Claudia are vampires that survive drinking human blood (Rice 7). They murder humans to survive since that is their only source of food. Consequently, it is convenient to label vampires evil without examining the underlying factors and evidence suggesting otherwise. Since humans are the victims of vampires' actions, it is easy to consider vampires evil without checking the underlying factors.
The great divide between humans and nonhumans can explain the perception of evil. Monsters cannot be defined as humans or nonhumans, which creates hostility towards them, the best case of the inability to adhere to either category. They are not like a cyborg, which is "a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality and a creature of fiction" (Haraway 1). Hence, ministers fall into a problematic category for people to embrace. Since they are not a hybrid of humans and machines, monsters are distant from humans. For instance, Frankenstein's monster touches on the aversion of the borderline. The monster has a mixer of human and nonhuman attributes, constituting its monstrosity (Lykke & Braidotti 76). Frankenstein was supposed to mirror Victor, its human creator, from its inception. However, the scientific process resulted in something different from what Victor envisioned. Frankenstein's terrifying eyes are a distinguishing feature. Victor considers the eyes threatening and a symbol of atrocity. If Frankenstein had normal human eyes, most likely, Victor would not have believed it to be a monster. Culturally, the eyes are known to be the mirror to the soul. Human eyes demonstrate human mentality, while monster eyes depict a creature from another world. In the same way, individuals can consider vampires evil because they are on the borderline between humans and nonhumans. Their physical features distinguish them from humans and hence make them scary. Humans can consider anything scary as evil without necessarily examining the creature's actions. Such an attribution paints the wrong picture of vampires and creates the notion that they are inherently evil. Individuals forget that "Godself is monstrous and/or is the king or parent of monsters, not the vanquisher of such" (Paffenroth 120).
Vampires are not born evil, it is all about how they are raised. Their nature is not inherently evil; rather, nurture determines their cause. For instance, Claudia is born an ordinary girl until she encounters Lestat. The vampire convinces the little girl that she must follow whatever he says to get well. Lestat tells the girl, "You're ill, do you hear me? You must do as I tell you to get well" (Rice 51). The vampire cuts its wrist and gives it to Claudia to drink. Lestat emphasizes that Claudia must drink its blood to get well. Lestat transforms an ordinary girl into a vam...
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