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Current Issues in the Notes of a Native Son, James Baldwin’s Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please read the PDF attachment and write the essay as shown in the instruction below:

Write a 750-900 word essay discussing James Baldwin's essay "Notes of a Native Son" by very specifically talking about three separate circumstances/areas/situations in our society today which reflect or remind you of what Baldwin is discussing here. For example, if he talks of the greatness of space travel, you can discuss that in terms of space travel today. If he talks about women's clothing styles in the 1940's, you can discuss this in terms of how things are quite different now. (These are both "made-up" example.) DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE ESSAY! Re-read what the task instructions above so that you understand the assignment!

DO NOT COPY THE WORDING FROM ABOVE EXACTLY! Create your own college level wording.
Start with a specific thesis statement naming the author and the text, and giving some idea of your direction. Your opening paragraph should specify the three separate issues/problems/situations of today which have some relevance to what Baldwin discusses, but you will NOT go into detail about them until your body paragraphs.

Your first sentence must be a thesis statement naming the artists and/or works you have chosen to discuss. DO NOT open your essay with vague generalities or "throat clearing." Get straight to the point!
You will include separate body paragraphs (opening with nuanced transitional language) including specific evidence and details which you will expand upon after naming.
Your closing paragraph will include "enhanced eloquence" (which we will discuss in class); this means that you will discuss the journey your essay exploration has taken you upon. You will not merely repeat your opening paragraph or thesis wording.

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Current Issues in the Notes of a Native Son, James Baldwin’s Essay
In the essay Notes of a Native Son, Baldwin recounts central individual circumstances and issues staged in the background of problematic societal and psychological factors. In the essay, Baldwin explores the complication perpetuated by racism, sexuality, and class distinction in American society at least seven decades ago. These three areas, racism, sexuality, and class distinction are prevalent in today’s society which reflects what Baldwin discusses in his essay the Notes of a Native Son. Popular historical political groups for social reforms that unfolded in the mid-twentieth-century in America include Civil rights groups and gay liberation groups. Racism, sexuality, and social class interconnect to create problematic narratives within American society today. The essay discusses the complications of these three areas of racism, sexuality, and social class as reflected in society today.
Baldwin also talks about racism as a dangerous social problem that affected him for the rest of his life. The essay Notes of a Native son mentions the secret of the white race. As a child, Baldwin had been motivated by a fresh white school teacher. However, he experienced numerous racism situations in eateries and at his workplace, a year before the demise of his father. “There is not a Negro alive who does not have this rage in his blood” (Baldwin p. 592). This was an illustration of racism and the power of such a social evil that influences the lives of African-Americans. Besides, racism had taken all over New Jersey, in residential places, bars, bowling alleys, and diners leading to numerous confrontational events. The saying “We don’t serve Negroes here” expressed at one of the restaurants in New Jersey provoked Baldwin into a confrontation (Baldwin p.593). Racism is not different today from what the author of the essay encountered. Current African-American works of literature still illustrate hatred and revolt against racism situations in America. A majority of this literature is from individual encounters and witness narratives that depict the havoc caused by racism in the lives of people (CITATION Dur21 \p "p. 10" \l 1033 (Rao and Naidu p. 10).In today’s American society, racism is not a mysterious aspect hanging over the nation. It is considered wrongdoing and evidence recognizes and scrutinizes its criminals (CITATION Dur21 \p p.10-11 \l 1033 (Rao and Naidu p.10-11). Society today also attacks all forms of racism without refutation and Baldwin’s rebuttal in every sense illustrates its upsetting and shocking nature now as it was seven decades ago.
Baldwin evokes the issue of sexuality in the essay to voice some social change. A majority of Baldwin’s personas are mainly African America and frequently include aspects of same-sex rights and b...
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