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Childhood Agency

Essay Instructions:

For this essay, you need to find a video and write an argument (specific requirements are in assignment 2b) then, using "What Are We Talking about When We Talk about Agency?" by Richard Flynn ( You don't have to read article, I will give you the conclusion) to support this argument; then, you need to find the third outside source( a scholar article, specific requirements are in assignment 2b) Finally, you've brought all of these together to support your argument. I will give you this essay's requirement(assignment 2) and I encourage agency in this essay. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Childhood Agency
The topic of childhood agency solicits different opinions from different people. Scholars, for instance, have been known to frequently offer research-based but contrasting opinions regarding the agency of children. Some criticize the way the rights of children have been limited and argue that children should be allowed more freedom to exercise control. On the other hand, some scholars argue for the restriction of children’s abilities by parents. However, recent sentiments seem to be moving towards more support for childhood agency and allowing children to be more involved in decision making. Of great importance in the conversation and debate about childhood agency is the definition of the term “childhood agency.” Different authors and authors theorize their definitions differently depending on their research subjects and other factors. For instance, Mashford-Scott and Church (2011) suggest that childhood agency is the ability of children to have voices that count as their own (32). Similarly, Ebrahim (2011) implies that children agency refers to the abilities of children to gain control on their own and produce social life (121). These two definitions lead to the conclusion that childhood agency refers to the ability of children to make choices and decisions that influence and have impacts on their day to day lives.
Richard Flynn in the article “What are we talking about when we talk about Agency?” contributes to the conversation on childhood agency by criticizing those that seek to limit the abilities and capabilities of children. Flynn (2016) argues that children have the right to exercise their abilities to exercise without opposition or restrictions from adults. However, adult interference in the lives children is not completely criticized. That is because there are certain special circumstances where children cannot be allowed to act independently of adults. Flynn concludes that one of the best ways to create an environment where children can develop their competencies is by supporting childhood agency and encouraging children to act independently and celebrate their achievements.
Literature Review
Angel Mashford-Scott and Amelia Church’s article titled “Promoting Children’s Agency in Childhood Education” is one of the numerous emerging research texts that encourage childhood agency. The title of this article is especially eye-catching as it seems to denote the author’s stand regarding the issue of childhood agency even before being read. This creates a suspense for potential readers due to the sudden increase in interest of how the authors of the text manage to justify their stand. This paper seeks to explore the subject of childhood agency using this article as a reference point. Aspects that make Mashford-Scott and Church’s article suitable for as a reference point in this discussion is their employment of both qualitative and quantitative evidence research that leads them to their conclusions and stand.
The authors of “Promoting Children’s Agency in Childhood Education” engage in the conversation about childhood agency from the perspective of teacher-child interactions in early learning environments. The article is a study of how these teacher-child interactions promote the active participation of children in early learning environments and more specifically, “how teachers promote children’s agency in the resolution of their peer disputes” (Mashford-Scott and Church 15). The study focused on two separate instances of teacher intervention picked from twenty-eight hours of footage recorded in two different early childhood education settings with children of between the ages of three and five. The first episode is a demonstration of how teachers can facilitate collaborative resolutions of disputes. The second episode demonstrates how teachers can respond to reports of conflict from children while maintaining neutrality and position themselves as non-participants.
The article also discusses why agency is considered important in early childhood. The authors argue that the difference in opinions regarding childhood agency is mainly down to the differences in culture and perceptions of the competency and agency of children. They provide examples such as the c...
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