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Chekhov's the cherry orchard. Discuss the symbolism used in the play

Essay Instructions:

Requirements/Guidelines for Composition #2 1. Select either Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (page 1189 in your textbook) or Anton 2. Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard (page 1626 in your textbook). Read the play. I am going to choose Cherry Orchard. You guys do not have a fax machine so I can not fax you the text, so you have to do research to read the play. 3. Select one of the topics listed below: 1. Discuss the symbolism used in the play 2. Discuss the role of women in society and how it is changing at that time (the time of the play. 3. Discuss the roles of men and/or women in the society of this time. 4. Discuss the role of religion in the society of the time and how it is reflected in the play. (Hint: Christianity’s influence and its role in generating conflict in the play). 5. How this play is an excellent example of its period (The Age of Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism). 6. Discuss/Analyze the theme of the play. 7. Discuss the symbolism used in the play 8. Discuss the changing role of the aristocracy at this time as depicted in the play. 9. Discuss the changing role of the serfs at the time as depicted in the play. 10. The impact the Russian Revolution had on the people of Russia as depicted in the play. 11. Discuss the relationship between the characters of the play and how it illustrates the acceptable norms of the time. 12. Discuss/Analyze the theme of the play. 4. You must have at least one primary source and one secondary source (see lecture). 5. See the file posted that discusses Acceptable and Unacceptable Secondary Sources. 6. I recommend using the databases through the FTCC Library because anything that comes from there is an academic source. 7. The paper must be at least 2 pages long and no more than 4. 8. It should be formatted using MLA 2008 or higher version (sees sample paper and outline in Study Guides). 9. It must contain a formal MLA topic outline (also contained in Study Guides), a composition, and a Works Cited page. 10. Use The Little Seagull Handbook to assist with research or documentation issues. 11. The paper is worth 100 points and the outline is worth 10 points. 12. There is a sample copy of the gradesheet/rubric to be used to grade your paper in Study Guides. 13. Post any questions you have about the paper to the Q&A board for all students to see; this board is located at the top of all the Discussion boards. 14. Use the file “Manuscript Form” to help with grammar issues or punctuation of titles. 15. All papers must be in Times New Roam 12 font and double spaced using MLA formatting. 16. Use 2 pages for paper. 1 page for MLA outline and works cited page. 1 page for the drama test. A total of 4 pages. The drama test file will be attached. Follow the instructions that is in the drama test file. Make sure that when you choose the questions that you put it under the right section.


Test #3 Drama

Section I:

Directions:  Define the following terms; be sure that your definitions are complete sentences (2 points each).

1.   Protagonist

2.   Foil

3.   Stage Directions

4.   Conflict

5.   Monologue

6.   Dramatic Irony

7.   Canon

8.   Tone

9.   Chorus (in Greek Drama)

10. Villain

Section II:

Directions: Answer both questions in this section.  If you use Antigone for Question #1, use Hamlet for question #2 (or vice versa).  All answers must be at least 150 words in order to receive full credit. (15 points each)

1.   Using the definition for tragedy on page A12 in your textbook (the Glossary) apply it to either Antigone or Hamlet.

2.   Use Freytag’s Pyramid to explain the plot development of either Antigone or Hamlet. Be to include all five stages of development.

Section III:

Directions:  Select five questions from those below.  You must do at least two questions for Antigone and two questions from Hamlet.  The fifth question may be from either play. All answers must be at least 100 words in order to receive full credit.


1.   What action/decision of Antigone’s causes the conflict? How does she justify this decision?  Explain.

2.   Characterize either Antigone or Creon.

3.   What is the conflict between Antigone and Creon so unusual for this time?  Explain.

4.   Who is Tiresias? What role does he have in the play? In Greek society.

5.   What do you think is the theme of the play?  Why?  Justify your answer.



1.   Discuss the importance of the supernatural. What impact does the ghost have on the plot? Explain.

2.   Characterize Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude or Ophelia.

3.   What is hamlet’s opinion of women or life?  Explain.  Give specifics for support.

4.   How does the play depict the religious attitude of the time? Explain.  Give specific examples to support your answer.

5.   What do you think is  the theme of the play?  Why? Justify your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Composition and drama test
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Thesis: This paper aims to develop understanding and critical thinking on the literary work of the Cherry Orchard. Symbolism is an important literary element is used in play. The paper focuses on understanding the implication of the symbolism used in the play.
Chekhov uses the Cherry Orchard tree as a symbol used in his work.
1: The tree is used to symbolize the situation of the Russia during those days.
2: In the past, the country was in Dark Ages where few individuals took advantage of the poor citizens.
3: Poor people had to work for the wealthy aristocrats who owned large estates, and they were mostly exploited because they had not other means to survive.
4: The tree changed and the past become a past issue. Positive changes brought emancipation in Russia, and a result, poor people got liberation.
5: Eventually, poor people became economically empowered, and therefore no longer depended on the aristocrats. Aristocrats became financially challenged because they were not making profits. The aristocrats wanted to change the situation, though it was impossible. The Cherry Orchard illustrates drastic changes occurred in Russia that nobody dared to reverse.
2 Chekhov’s the cherry orchard. Discuss the symbolism used in the play
Anton Chekhov’s drama ‘the cheery orchard’ is a work piece of Russian literature. Chekhov personally grew up in Russia and he experienced changes imparted by impacts of the liberation of the serfs during 1861. Narcis views that within one generation, the country transformed from the land of aristocracy who benefited from labors of the poor people (peasants) to the nation of free citizens (26). Chekhov performed an impressive work of symbolizing Russian and depicting the difference both before and after the liberation. Symbolism has a great impact in drama. A symbol can represent anything adopted in a play to refer or mean to something else. Symbolism is a huge artistic license used in drama to express an underlying representation or meaning.
Anton Chekhov uses the title of his drama, ‘a cherry orchard’ to symbolize the perspective of his country (Russia). Before 1861 in Russia, wealth aristocrats owned huge estates and took advantage of exploiting the serfs who provided cheap labor to wealthy aristocratic class. The serfs were slaves working for the landowning class (the wealthy aristocrats). During 1861, Czar Alexander II helped to liberate the serfs and associated them to do careers that developed their lives. The serfs eventually were emancipated from the oppressive landowners. The wealthy aristocratic class finally became weak because of the emancipation. They had no cheap labor which they initially obtained from the serfs. After 20 years of liberation, most wealthy landowners had financial problems. This was the context where Chekhov’s drama was set (in Russia).
The orchard of the cherry tree is adopted in this drama as a symbol representing the past. The past is experiencing a new dawn of progress. Trofimov is the character who feels the strong sense of the orchard as a remembrance of the oppressive past. According to Trofimov’s view, Russia was a corrupt country in the past when the wealthy aristocrats shed the blood and sweat of the serfs. Trofimov’s solution to solve corruption is to forget the past and hold the new changes which have been brought by the emancipation (Narcis 31). Trofimov claimed that everything which as unachievable during the past would be within their grasp in the future. He referred to the emancipation that brought liberation to the serfs. The orchard served as a symbol and the serfs saw it as a bridge from their oppression to a new life.
The landowners (Gayev and Ranavskaya) are reaping the financial consequences of liberation and as the play continues they are forced to sell their estates so that to survive the hard conditions. Wealthy aristocrats see the orchard as a symbol reminding themselves easier times when they were financiers of wealth. They refused to accept the new reality, but they want to attach themselves into the good memories of the past. The past was the utopian world for the wealthy landowners and as a result they wanted to attach themselves to this reality.
In this drama, Chekhov did a great task by showing different emotions and interests of the characters. He is making an important implication that the society will continue changing and developing irrespective of what individuals might want to hold. All characters in this play have different personal desires, but the reality is that Russia is making drastic changes which they cannot change.
Section I
1: Protagonist is the main character of a drama or other fictional work. A protagonist is also sometimes known as a hero in the drama, poetry, novel or narrative.
2: A foil is known as a character which presents qualities, which are different from the qualities of the protagonist with the main purpose of showing the traits of the protagonist or another character.
3: Stage direction refers to an instruction written in the text of the play, which shows movement, stage action and direction to the performers or actors.
4: Conflict is the struggle existing two opposing forces normally an antagonist and protagonist. This is known as external conflict. Internal conflict is a struggle in which a character experiences two opposing emotional forces or desires such evil and good or vice and virtue within the character.
5: Monologue is known as an extended speech normally addressed by one person. This is usually evident when a character speaks alone.
6: Dramatic irony happens when the implications of speech or context are understood by the listeners (audience), but not understood by characters in the performance or play.
7: Canon refers to the writings produce by an author which scholars normally consider as true products of the identified author. For example, Shakespeare canon is works genuinely written by Shakespeare.
8: Tone is an attitude of the author towards an audience or subject. It is normally expressed through the perspective of the author or writer on a specific subject. Any written work consists of subject matter or theme. The way in which the author approaches this subject and theme is the tone.
9: According to classical Greek drama, chorus was a group of performers (actors) who commented and described upon the major action of a play with recitation, dance and song.
10: Villain is a cruelly malicious character who involve in evil and wicked actions.
Section (II)
1: Antigone is a tragedy written by Sophocles. Creon believed that he was the best person to inherit the throne rather than his niece; an incidence that caused the tragedy to influential characters. After Oedipus died at Colonus, Antigone and her sister decided to go back to Thebes in the aim of assisting their brothers (Polyneicies and Eteocles) in order to void a prophesy that they will murder one another in a fight struggling for sovereignty of Thebes. When Antigone reached Thebes, she realized that her brothers are dead. Eteocles has been buried. Antigone’s uncle (Creon) has inherited power and he is the king of the throne in Thebes (Lorenz 15). Creon banned Polyneices’ burial claiming that he was a traitor...
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