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Shakespeare's Hamlet and The Al-Hamlet Summit

Essay Instructions:

Assignment - In progress TitleFirst EssayDueJul 21, 2014 11:55 pmStatusNot StartedGrade ScalePoints (max 100.0)Instructions   The first major writing assignment in THEA 101 is a comparative analysis of the dramatic structures of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sulayman Al-Bassam’s The Al-Hamlet Summit.Include a separate title page with a) your name and b) the title of your essay.Type your essay , with , using  ). Make sure that your , , and are correct by using spell-check on your computer before uploading your paper to Laulima as a single file. Don’t forget to paginate each page, and make sure to use complete sentences only! Present your arguments in well-developed paragraphs, making sure to signal The required  of your essay is  (not including the title page nor the bibliography).Imagine that you are writing the essay for someone who is not familiar with the plays.Remember that this is an academic assignment—so please .Keep in mind that the main focus of your essay should be on the plays themselves (their plots, characters, etc.), not on your personal or emotional response to them! (You are probably off-track if almost every other sentence begins with “I”…)If you are not sure when to use past or present tense, it would be advisable to consistently use  in this particular assignment. Your organization of the essay should include the following:An interesting, original, and evocative that gives the reader some idea of what is to come.An  that begins with a “grabber,” i.e. a vivid introduction in which you tell the reader something about your perception and/or interpretation of the major structural similarities or differences of Hamlet and The Al-Hamlet Summit. The introduction should also include a one-sentence  that summarizes your major argument with regard to these two plays and how they compare and relate to each other. Make sure to underline the thesis statement!A one-paragraph short  for each of the two plays.A   in which you discuss how all “components of a play” (plot, character, etc.) as well as all elements that constitue the “order of a play” (exposition, exciting incident, etc.) apply to either play individually before comparing them with regard to these categories. (For example: Which Shakespearean characters has Al-Bassam dropped, and which new ones has he added to his version? To what effect? What has happened to the monologs that structure Shakespeare's play? Etc.) Make sure not to forget a single category. Use from both scripts to support your arguments. Relate the that you stated in the introduction to your comparative analysis of both plays.A  in which you sum up the major points that you have made throughout the essay.Even though it is important that you cover all abovementioned elements, it is equally—not a mere bullet-point list where you just check off each criterion one by one!!! Remember, this is a writing intensive class.   of your introduction as a thematic leitmotif that connects all sections of your essay smoothly and organically.  The grading-breakdown for this assignment is as follows (with the numbers indicating maximum points):title: introduction: thesis statement: synopses (2 x 4 pts.): comparative analysis:Hamlet “components of play” (6 x 1.5 pts.):Hamlet “order of play” (5 x 1.5 pts.):The Al-Hamlet Summit “components of play” (6 x 1.5 pts.): The Al-Hamlet Summit “order of play” (5 x 1.5 pts.): play comparison “components of play” (6 x 1.5 pts.) play comparison “order of play” (5 x 1.5 pts.) use of specific examples: conclusion: throughline/integration of essay: overall quality of writing, grammar and spelling: formatting:  The components of a play are: plot, sequence, theme, diction, music, and spectacle The order of a play is: Exposition, Inciting incident, rising action, climax and denouement. The following is a link of the Al Hamlet Summit

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparative analysis of Components and Order of play in Shakespeare's Hamlet and The Al-Hamlet Summit
Literature as a discipline has various aspects that are normally brought up by the writers to reflect the issues, activities, and events taking place in societies by presenting them in an explicit and timeless manner. William Shakespeare's Hamlet remains to be an iconic work that reflects how political and leadership regimes have functioned throughout the history of mankind. Al-Bassam is a modern day writer who is credited for re-inventing old time works to reflect the current flow of activities affecting the Middle East and Arab countries. Shakespeare's' Hamlet and Al-Bassam's The Al-Hamlet Summit are two identical works in terms of their components and order of the plays which are meant to show how political struggles and leadership activities have remained less the same over the centuries despite the numerous social and economic strides that have been made. The components and order of these two plays show many similarities in their organization and development of the subject matter.
Hamlet is a play that covers the flow of events in the ancient Denmark where emphasis is laid on the leadership organization. The story concentrates on the struggle of prince Hamlet to avenge the death of his late father, king Hamlet, who is murdered by his brother Claudius, who manages to resume the reigns of leadership afterwards. Claudius moves first to inherit king Helmet's widow Gertrude who happens to be the mother of prince Helmet. Prince Helmet is convinced that King Claudius is responsible for his father's death thus he is determined to kill him for the same (Litvin 56). Other characters like Polonius and his children are brought into the story. Polonius has a daughter called Ophelia whom he is convinced that is in love with Prince Hamlet. Hamlet starts showing some tendencies of being made to the extent of being sent to England to avoid chaos in Denmark. He returns back and manages to kill Claudius, and he dies few moments later. Gertrude also dies at the same time after drinking water that was meant to kill her son. The story is a tragedy in the sense that members of the Royal family dies at the same time thus ending on a sad note.
Al-Hamlet Summit is a replica of Shakespeare's Hamlet though the setting and timing are a quite different. Al-Bassam writes this play to cover the political events in Middle East where the king is leading his people in an unpopular way. According to Litvin (74), King Claudius is portrayed as an authoritative leader who takes the plight of his people for granted thus ensuring that they leave miserable lives. Hamlet is brought in as an individual who is returning from England where he had gone as a refugee. He comes in as a totally different person who has been enlightened and transformed by the European culture. He becomes a religious extremist after realizing that his father was murdered by the current leadership. Ophelia becomes a suicide bomber who ends up killing innocent citizens due to her stand that is against the dictatorship regime of Claudius (Litvin 89). Helmet leads other individuals in opposing the leadership of Claudius thus ending up overthrowing him. There is a woman who is introduced in this play as an international weapon dealer who provides the weapons that are used to overthrow Claudius regime.
The components of play in Hamlet are characterized by various themes, sequence of events that helps to develop the plot and enhance the story. There is a theme of revenge that is set out from the onset of the play. Prince Hamlet is determined to avenge for his father death by killing Claudius. Throughout the play, Hamlet is determined to find mechanisms that will allow him to achieve his target of killing the King (Litvin 53). He finally manages to kill the King though all the main characters from the royal family die at the same time. The sequence of events is quite interesting in the sense that the author allows the story to develop from the point where Claudius assumes the reigns of leadership from his late brother to the final point where Hamlet manages to kill him thus fulfilling his revenge mission.
There are also various components of play by Al-Hamlet Summit where there are evidences of the theme of revenge is given the top priority. Hamlet is an individual who has a conviction...
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