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Book Review Of Mark Brook's "World War Z"

Essay Instructions:

The novel, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks is comprised of some very compelling concepts regarding technology, and human interactions under plague like conditions. How does technology impede the progress of isolating and combating the zombies? How does the role of “denial” play a part in this apocalyptic novel? What is your overall response to this novel? What sections did you find compelling?

It may be useful to break down this novel into sections and choose two that you wish to focus your writing. Why is it significant that this is an oral history?

(For choosing sections, please pick the part about "Tokyo, Japan" as one of them, and choose any other one you like.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor: Course Title: Date of Submission: World War Z World war Z is one of the Mark Brook’s oral histories. The story is developed from a fictional existence of Zombies. According to the author, zombies are normal human beings who die and rise again. Once they come back from dead the zombies thirsty for other human blood, they feel no pain, and can only die again after the destruction of their brain. In this paper, the role of technology in combatting and isolating Zombies, and the role of denial in the novel will be discussed in accordance to the two sections of the World War Z which include Tokyo in japan and the USA. In addition to this, the paper will look at the most compelling sections of the novel, the overall response to the novel and the significance of this novel as an oral history. Denial played a major role in the spread of the Zombie infection. This is shown in the USA when the CIA agents and the president ignore the fact that Zombie infections are real. Archer says that the CIA has no enough funds to focus on the problem that is real. To make people not be afraid of Zombification, the CIA names the infections as a conspiracy theory because they fear once the infection reaches the country people are very vulnerable because of unpreparedness. Scott being a rich man denies telling the truth about Zombies’ possibility of being treated and he instead sells them vaccines to make more money. The rabies vaccine does not work. And vaccinated people are infected which encourages the spread of Zombies all over the world. Technology plays a major role in the helping to combat the spread of Zombification. The theory of isolation of people to save them from Zombie infections, developed by the South African Paul Redeker, was easily spread through technology and many countries all over the world were able to have their safe Zones. Japan developed Archipelago, while most of the USA people went to Hawaii and the western Rocky Mountains. This helped in reducing the spread of the infections. Through technology, the USA government is able to communicate with the UN offices that are located at Saratoga in USSR and discussing the best ways to end t...
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