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Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in Technology

Essay Instructions:

Paper 4: Evaluation or Causal Argument

 Evaluation Argument Options:

  1. What kinds of reviews or evaluations do you consult most often or read religiously—those of TV shows, sports stars, video games, fashions, fishing gear, political figures? Try composing an argument of evaluation in your favorite genre: make and defend a claim about the quality of some object, item, work, or person within your area of interest or special knowledge. Let the paper demonstrate an expertise you have gained by your reading. If it helps, model your evaluation upon the work of a reviewer or expert you particularly respect.

  2. Write a paper in which you challenge what you regard as a wrong-headed evaluation, providing sound reasons and solid evidence for challenging this existing and perhaps commonly held view. Explain why the topic of your evaluation needs to be reconsidered and provide reasons, evidence, and, if necessary, different criteria of evaluation for doing so.

  3. Write an evaluation in which you compare or assess the contributions or achievements of two or three notable people working within the same field or occupation. They may be educators, entrepreneurs, artists, legislators, editorial cartoonists, fashion designers, programmers, athletes—you name it. While your first instinct might be to rank these individuals and pick a “winner,” this evaluation will work just as well if you can help readers appreciate the different paths by which your subjects have achieved distinction.

Grading Rubric:

  • Your paper is a minimum of two full pages (please write more if you’re inclined).

  • Your paper is double-spaced with one-inch margins and written in Times (12 point font).

  • Your claim is an argument of evaluation and it makes a judgment about your topic.

  • Your claim clearly establishes what’s being evaluated.

  • The criteria used in the evaluation are both clear and appropriate. If the criteria are controversial, then work to defend them.

  • There is enough evidence to show that what’s being evaluated meets the criteria AND the writer establishes the significance and appropriateness of the evidence.

  • You’ve acknowledged the opposition.

  • Your organization is effective.

  • The reader is engaged because of your attention to style, diction, and syntax.

  • There are few to no mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

  • If sources are used, MLA style is both incorporated and correct.

  • The paper is turned in on April 14 (late paper penalty=20 points).


Causal Argument Options:

Per your topic, you can write a paper by exploring one of the following:

  1. State a cause and then examine its effects

  2. Describe an effect and trace back to its causes

  3. Trace a string of causes to figure out why something happened

  4. Explore plausible consequences (intended or not) or a particular action, policy, or change

  5. Question the accuracy or adequacy or existing arguments about causality


Grading Rubric:

  • Your paper is a minimum of two full pages (please write more if you’re inclined).

  • Your paper is double-spaced with one-inch margins and written in Times (12 point font).

  • Your claim states a causal argument and clearly identifies the cause(s) and effect(s).

  • Your claim appeals to readers.

  • Your claim is well-qualified and focused.

  • Your claim has strong and thorough supporting evidence.

  • Your evidence in support of the claim is analyzed logically.

  • You’ve acknowledged the opposition.

  • The organization is effective.

  • The reader is engaged because of the writer’s attention to style, diction, and syntax.

  • There are few to no mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

  • If sources are used, MLA style is both incorporated and correct.

  • The paper is turned in on April 14 (late paper penalty=20 points). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in Technology
In the field of cutting edge technology, innovative designs, strategic management skills and pure drive to redefine the market standards and match industry dynamics, Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs are considered the titans that have set standards and quite a high bar for those in the information technologyindustry. The two have been some of the figures that highly recognized in the industry for their revolutionary efforts to uplift the level of consumer and commercial technology through innovative ideas. However, despite the fact that the two are highly innovative, they also have their differences and it the different methods that they both use that have made them iconic and unique in an industry that sees cut throat competition as a normal element of business operations. Ironically, at the core of their similarities is their year of birth as they were both born in the year 1955.
Separate Paths
Bill Gates, a well-known as the philanthropist, investor, programmer, and a business magnate, hails from Seattle Washington and attended his college education at Harvard University. Ironically, bill did not finish his degree program and thus did not graduate with a degree from the university. Instead he left the university to start his business venture where he would develop computer softwares.
Like Gates, Jobs was also born in the year 1955. However unlike Gates, Jobs did not venture into philanthropic work, though he was an investor, entrepreneur and most importantly a great marketer, part of what explains how Apple regained its glory. He also had a passion for personal computing like Gates and this led to great interest he developed and later formed the company. Like Gates, Jobs did not clear college at Reeds College which was in Portland, Oregon. However, this is just about the few similarities these two have.
Jobs case of dropping out was much different than that of Gates, given that he left college as his parents were not able to meet the fees. He also did not take programing classes, but instead managed to take a calligraphy course on between get free meals and returning coke soda bottles for food money. This is contrary to Gates parents who were able and willing to pay, but their son decided he wanted more than school.
To his colleagues and staff gates is known as a flexible, strong and energized person, while Jobs is seen as rude and over domineering, constantly letting everyone know that is he the sharp. This could have come from the way the two led their earlier life growing up. Jobs had an early tough life, which made him tough and further developed his marketing skills, as a way of fitting in. this is not to say that Gates was soft either because he was more accommodating; at times he would be seen to be very sarcastic to the employees whenever they did live up to his standards. Due to his fierce aggressive approach to results, he is seen as one of the strong leaders in the company and in the industry. His vision and drive are some of the core elements that have driven the company to its current status and gained him recognition. In the case, Jobs, while one would consider him to be aggressive, at times he would be excessively over bearing which was a common trend and made him struggle ...
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