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Benefits of the Implementation of Lockdown Policy Due to Covid-19

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Policy and Solution
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world order extensively, that insightful policies are needed to steer manageable living for some people. Right at the onset of the pandemic, the primary objective was to curb its spread throughout the world. Each nation changed its policies to accommodate the advice from healthcare professionals who warned against reluctance in the approach towards managing the virus. Some of the containment measures that have since been adopted include encouraging the wearing of facemasks among individuals, hand hygiene, and social distancing. At the extreme heights of the virus, the lockdown of nations, cities, and workplaces has become a favorite containment policy of the virus. These policies have triggered debates, especially on the unintended outcomes that they have attracted. This paper assesses the viability of the lockdown policy through its benefits and unhelpful outcomes. Containing the spread of COVID-19 should be approached through different strategies aside from lockdown bearing the health, economic, and social impacts that such a policy has manufactured.
A deconstruction of the lockdown policy should begin by understanding its implications. Lockdown was implemented to minimize the spread of the coronavirus by eliminating unnecessary human-to-human interactions. The lockdown policy extended to restrict movement in and out of some cities or residential areas that were considered as the epicenters of the virus. By locking down cities, residential areas, and countries, people have been rendered immobile in most cases. Individuals have been encouraged to work from home while others have lost their jobs completely. Some businesses have closed as customers cannot access the premises. All such outcomes have been accompanied by various benefits and drawbacks.
There are notable benefits associated with the implementation of the lockdown policy. Primarily, the policy has helped in restricting the movement of people. Since the virus spreads through human-to-human interactions, the lockdowns marked a vital path in restricting the movements (Appadurai et al., 47). The policy on lockdowns has also helped in implementing other containment policies. For instance, contact tracing has become easier when people are not highly mobile. That has helped in reducing the spread of the virus. In other cases, the lockdown policy has helped with easy sanitization and maintaining social distance. It has also become easy for healthcare professionals to isolate vulnerable populations from the risks of contracting coronavirus. A faction of policymakers believes that the benefits above should be enough to justify the lockdown policy.
The lockdown policy has also constituted some adverse impacts warranting its revision. Health has been the biggest challenge at the onset of the lockdown policy. More people are showing signs of escalated struggles with behavioral, physiological, physical, and mental health. In a cross-sectional and longitudinal study carried out of 27,000 UK adults to assess their mental and behavioral health during COVID-19, the findings were challenging the logic of the lockdown policy...
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