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A Good Man is Hard to Find Researched Analysis

Essay Instructions:


-All essays must contain the primary source AND three to five scholarly secondary sources from the library's Galileo collection. (https://www(dot)galileo(dot)usg(dot)edu/)

-All essays must use at least ONE of the secondary sources provided by the instructor.

-All essays must contain internal citations and a corresponding Works Cited page in MLA format.

-All essays should be 1000-1500 words - not including the Works Cited page or title.

Select ONE of the topics below for an essay using scholarly, secondary sources to build your argument. You must use at least one of the sources provided by the instructor.

1. Analyze the use of place names in "A Good Man is Hard to Find." Not only should you geographically locate the places on a Georgia map, but explain how their names connect to their function in the story. The one place you won't find on a map is Timothy which is a reference to I Timothy in the Bible. Explain how that Biblical source influences the story.

2. Analyze Southern stereotypes in the story; the language, the characters, perhaps even the violence. Does O'Connor present a realistic portrait of a certain element of the South in the 1950s?

3. O'Connor has stated that her stories always deal with conversion, changes in a character, and, more specifically, the action of grace on a character who is unwilling to receive it. Write an essay which compares how "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Greenleaf" deal with sin, grace, and redemption by analyzing their themes, settings, and characterizations. (Remember this will be a compare and contrast essay and should use a block or alternating method of organization.)

Suggested Sources

You must use at least ONE of these in your essay, but you are allowed to use more. All other sources must come from the GSU library.

Bryant, Hallman. "Reading the Map in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find.'" Studies in Short Fiction, no. 18, 1981, pp. 301-107.

Fike, Matthew. "The Timothy Allusion in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find.'" Renascence, vol, 42, no 4, pp. 311-322.

Bonney, William. "The Moral Structure of Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find," Studies in Short Fiction , vol 27, no 3, summer 1990, 347-357. Click here for full text

Gleeson-White, Sarah. "A Peculiarly Southern Form of Ugliness: Eudora Welty, Carson McCullers, and Flannery O'Connor." Southern Literary Journal vol. 36, no. 1, fall 2003, pp. 46-57. Click here for full text

Ochshorn, Kathleen G. "A Cloak of Grace: Contradictions in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find.'" Studies in American Fiction vol. 18, no. 1, spring 1990, 113-117. Click here for full text

(provided links for all these sources in the file upload)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor's name:
Write an essay which compares how "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Greenleaf" deal with sin, grace, and redemption by analyzing their themes, settings, and characterizations.
The stories "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Greenleaf" are quite fascinating in their approach to sin, grace, and redemption. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," O'Connor writes about two characters who present antagonistic views to life and are guided by different beliefs. The grandmother believes that she is a Christian who is without blemish and thus is in a position to judge and call out what she considers wrong and sinful in other people. On the other hand, the Misfit is a character who has lived a selfish life that does not have any of the rules that the grandmother subscribes to. Both of these characters have lived different lives but end up realizing that they have a deeper connection. In "Greenleaf," O'Connor writes a story that is mainly centered on the life of Mrs. May. Mrs. May is a person who sees herself as the victim in all situations and circumstances. Like the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find," she never sees herself as wrong but quickly points at the flaws in other people. In both books, O'Connor offers a rare or unusual approach to the elements of sin, grace, and redemption. This essay will thus assess how these elements are employed in the books while trying to outline the similarities and differences in both through the characters, settings, and themes presented.
In both books, the themes of sin and salvation are quite evident. The main characters in the two books, Mrs. May, the grandmother, and Misfit, are presented as people who lead lives that are blind to their sinful nature. All of them were self-righteous and self-centered but did not want to face themselves or have to look in the mirror and face their real selves.
The grandmother was the kind of person that saw other people's flaws but her own. In the story "A Good Man is Hard to Find," she is presented as a lady, and rightfully so because she did dress and presented herself as a lady. "In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at one that she was a lady" (2). Her outward appearance did fit everything that was considered good and respectable. However, what she said, how she relates to people showed that she was indeed prideful, self-righteous, and a self-centered person. In one instance, she directs her criticism at the mother of the children asking that she takes the children to "see different parts of the world and be broad. They never have been to east Tennessee" (1). Here, she is subtly critiquing the children's mother while turning around and presenting herself as someone who is not only broad but one that has travelled and seen the world. However, this type of sin is not the usual kind that involves simply doing what is right or wrong but one that involves the inside man or person and their approach to life.
The other approach to sin that involves doing wrong things or what is considered wrong as per Christianity is well captured through the life of the Misfit. The Misfit was not the kind that lived in pretense like the grandmother. He lived his life in a way that did not hide who he was. He explained to the grandmother that when he did wrong, he got punished for it. "But somewhere along the line, I done something wrong and got sent to the penitentiary" (10). The Misfit did not believe in right and wrong, but he acknowledged that he had bypassed what was considered right by society in the above admission. However, like the grandmother, he was full of pride and thus did not see any harm or need for help. "I don't want no hep," he said. "I'm doing all right by myself" (11). These words were from a person contented with his truth and not in need of any help despite the heinous acts he was committing. His sins, however, were physical, unlike the grandmother's.
When compared to Mrs. May in "Greenleaf," one notices a resemblance in the portrayal of her sin and that of the grandmother as well as the Misfit. Both characters in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" are prideful and cannot see their own flaws. Mrs. May was the exact copy of these two personalities. She could only see the wrong in other people's actions. At some point, she referred to...
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