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Negative impact of Social Media Summary

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Social Media Poses More Dangers On The Society
Many people have been involved in a debate or witnessed one in regards to the negative impacts of social media. This is a debate that does not always find a consensus because of the double applications of social media. Some concentrate on the good and provide that the little negative impacts are usually considering that everything has its demerits. On the other hand, some concentrate on the negative implications of social media and argue that the good attached to social media can be achieved with better regulations of social media or by other means that do not pose such great negativity to Society. This analysis is influenced by these in ending stances as it aims in providing a more detailed analysis in support of the negative impacts of social media by providing, scholarly pieces of evidence, researched provisions, and other secondary materials to support the same. However, the analysis will also provide the argument of those who support the good of social media and their supporting evidence. This paper is aimed at answering the question of whether social media poses more dangers than good to society at large.
Background of the Analysis.
Social media, according to Oxford languages refers to websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. It is a medium through which people around the globe can interact through the use of the internet. It has no boundaries of age, race, familiar people, or strangers. This is a median full of freedom to interact as long as one can meet the cost of the internet. Social Media has become so popular in this century to an extent that it dictates how people live or people are finding themselves living by its reach. This universality in popularity has attracted several scholars to engage in research about social media and its impacts, an endeavor that has elicited strong debate on the positive and I'll impact of social media.
The ability to spreading and popularization of social media has been greatly influenced by the belief that social media as a product of technology was a way of making life easier and good. Everyone accepted it and became positive about it. However, in the recent past, there have been several instances of public outcry of privacy violations, fake news, and Russian troll farms, and much optimism toward social media which has greatly waned in favor of skepticism, fear, and outrage ( Hensley et al, np). This has led to more focus on what bad social media is doing to society. It has created a state where people ask the questions of what they need to pay to enjoy social media goodies. This advises the argument of this paper that social media causes more dangers to Society than the good.
Social media and privacy violation. With the lack of much control on the users of social media several cases of privacy, violations have been witnessed. Everyone values their privacy as the first step of security. When ones’ privacy is violated then it translates to insecurity to one and their family as well as properties. From previous studies, people have indeed experienced privacy violations while using the internet on social media. Philip and Sabine ( pp. 49-74) admit that Previous research has shown that people seldom experience privacy violations while using the Internet, such as unwanted and unknown sharing of personal information, credit card fraud, or identity theft. These are all social evils or vices that one does not deserve for them to use social media. It, therefore, remains that for one to enjoy the benefits of social media, then they have to incur the cost of privacy violation.
In defense of the problem of privacy violation, the pro-social media argues that disclosure of personal information is mostly on a volunteer basis and that people can choose to disclose or not. To respond to this, this article focuses on the primary requirements of most social media platforms. First, let take an example of Facebook. For one to have a Facebook account, they are needed to provide personal information which is claimed to be a way of an increasing network. This personal information includes things like names, email addresses, dates of birth, education and working backgrounds, and phone numbers. This information is the same that is required in many other personal areas such as banks when opening an account or even in a hospital for healthcare reasons. By providing this data on the internet, risks one falling victim to canny theft cases such as through hacking of bank accounts. The claim of voluntary submission of personal information is therefore not true because, for some platforms, you can never use them without an ac...
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