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The Confederate Flag was used by the hate group, Ku Klux Klan

Essay Instructions:

Paper 2: Factual Argument 

Assignment: Write a 4-6 page factual argument on your South-inspired topic. Incorporate at least 4 sources in MLA style documentation. 

Consider the following options:

a. make a claim about fact or existence that’s controversial or surprising

The Southern region is doing more to combat climate change than any other region.

b. correct an error of fact

The Confederate Flag is not used by the hate group, Ku Klux Klan.

The idea that Southerners supported slavery while Northerners hated it is not true.

People who believe that Southerners tried to break up the Union are wrong.

c. challenge social myths

The South is not “rural redneck.”

The South is not unsophisticated in terms of culture and growth.

Although many people assume that all Southern food is deep-fried and served with ketchup, Southern food is actually diverse and eclectic.

d. wish to discover the state of knowledge about a subject or examine a range of perspectives and points of view

Southerners’ views on gay marriage reveal some surprising truths.

Research your topic:

• scholarly books on your subject

• newspapers, magazines, reviews, and journals (online and print)

• online databases

• government documents and reports

• web sites, blogs, social networking sites, and listservs or newsgroups

• experts in the field

• your own surveys/polls generated by sites like SurveyMonkey

• field research

Think through the logistics:

 -  articulate why the issue you’re examining is important

 -  provide a historical, social, cultural, political, religious context as needed

 -  identify your audience and their correlating interests and needs

 -  be holistic in terms of your research options

 -  consider some key challenges to your research and writing

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
The Confederate Flag was used by the hate group, Ku Klux Klan
The Confederate Flag has been described differently by different people as a proud insignia of Southern heritage. Others have described it as a disgraceful reminder of segregation and slavery. Some time ago, quite a few states in the South flew this flag along with the state flags and the United States flag over their statehouses. Some states even included this controversial emblem in the design of their flags. Moreover, racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan have also appropriated this Confederate Flag (Johnson 21). This essay provides a factual argument that is aimed at correcting an error of fact. The error of fact is that the Confederate Flag is not used by the hate group, Ku Klux Klan (KKK). This paper argues that the hate group KKK actually used the Confederate Flag.
Research question
Is it true that the Confederate Flag is used by the hate group, Ku Klux Klan?
The hate group Ku Klux Klan used the Confederate Flag.
The Confederate Flag and the KKK
Few symbols in the United States are in fact more hated and loved than the flag of the Confederacy, or the Confederate Flag. The meaning of this flag has changed over the last 1½ century and its meaning continues to shift (Goldberg 138). In the South, whites saw the Confederate Flag as a symbol of dignity and heritage. Hate groups such as the KKK did use the Confederate Flag, although they did not really give it its patently racist connotation. The Confederate Flag, as Goldberg (138) pointed out, is a representation of hate and this flag has become a sign of Ku Klux Klan. This flag has been used by many people during hate crimes.
Coski (134) reported that at some point in 1963, civil rights marchers under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. concluded a 4-day walk from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama; a trek that aimed at building support for the enactment of a voting rights Act by the federal government. As they marched along the roads of Alabama, small groupings of young men with Confederate flags and who were wearing flag-emblazoned clothes mocked them and jeered at them. When these marchers got to Montgomery, a white man greeted them rebelliously as this man waved a small flag of the Confederacy (Coski 134).
About 100 years to the day following Lee’s surrender, Coski (134) reported that Time magazine provided a feature article on KKK violence as well as a photo of Robert Shelton of Tuscaloosa with a Confederate battle flag, his favorite totem. Such events during the ‘60s, particularly the images of Robert Shelton along with other members of the KKK posing with flags of the Confederacy served to intensify the association of the flag with racism and segregation. Today, those who defend the Confederate Flag grumble that the representational impact of flag-toting Klansmen has in fact been far out of proportion to their place and their numbers in the American society. Coski (135) pointed out that the news media, for whom members of the KKK with flags present appealingly potent images, have served to allow the KKK to seize control of the Confederate Flag’s imagery during the late 20th century. However, the KKK was not the only faction of white southerners which utilized the Confederate Flag to symbolize racism during the ‘50s and ‘60s. Ordinary white people in the South who protested integration carried the flag of the Confede...
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