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Applying the Micro and Macro Changes of Writing in Academic Paper

Essay Instructions:

The writer has a thesis statement which contains an argument. Logical fallacy is blended into the essay in a single paragraph.  Definition of fallacy is given, and is applied to conspiracy theory. Fallacy does not ‘disprove’ thesis.  Writer choices types of paragraphs (i.e. Classification/Division, Definition, Process) in order to accommodate audience.  Writer choices types of paragraphs (i.e. Classification/Division, Definition, Process) in order to accommodate audience. As a general audience member, the content of the paper is understandable.  Make suggestions for adding information, stats, definitions, history etc in order to provide guidance in the paper. Sufficient analysis is provided in each body paragraph.  Discussion is directed by source information, but doesn’t overuse source material.  Does not have to be academic sources per se.  Also, uses 7 types of evidence for structure of essay. Introduction paragraph leads to the thesis sentence and lends perspective to overall message of the paper.  Conclusion summarizes the essay and restates thesis statement. Contains counter argument paragraph with topic sentence that introduces paragraph. Blends interview with source material, and withholds judgement of counter argument. Contains rebuttal paragraph with topic sentence that introduces paragraph. Blends interview with source material, and returns to the thesis statement. Has In-text Citations which lets the reader know the difference between paraphrase and analysis.  MLA Citation Page is complete with all sources listed.  Relatively free of grammar, spelling and comma errors.  Also, look for awkward sentences that are not grammatically incorrect, but rather could be rewritten.   

Essay Sample Content Preview:
While learning writing, it takes the basics to make a person a better writer. When I was learning to write, it took me time to understand the statement above. I had an image of the writer I wanted to become, but it took me time before I could grow to understand what it meant to be a good writer. However, I have come to understand that every change and every step matters to me. In this particular paper, I made several changes, and these can be separated into micro and macro changes.
Micro changes mainly include the grammatical, sentence structure, punctuation, and referencing changes that I made. Well, one of the changes that I made was to make sure my sentences had the right punctuation marks with commas inserted where they needed to be. One thing I came to learn as a writer is that a single punctuation mark matters a l...
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