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Murambi Book of Bones Summary

Essay Instructions:

The essay should address one or more of our more recent readings (Murambi ).

As with the previous essay, this composition should pertain directly to the course theme of literature in African languages (broadly understood—European languages used in African lit. included). Discussing history, politics, and social trends is totally acceptable for providing context, but such discussion should be of clear relevance to a central argument about the literature itself.


"Diop, Murambi, The Book of Bones"

Here is link of summary of this book: https://www(dot)gradesaver(dot)com/murambi-the-book-of-bones

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Analysis of Diop’s Murambi: The Book of Bones
Diop is one of the most celebrated writers of African descent. His novel Murambi: The Book of Bones, is one of his critically acclaimed books which not only brings tears to a reader but also forces them to think beyond what is considered normal. The Rwandan genocide is known worldwide, and this is mainly because of the number of people who lost their lives in just 100 days. It is reported that nearly a million Tutsis lost their lives in the 100 days and this will forever remain the bloodiest period in the history of Rwanda and possibly the earth. Together with other writers, Diop decided to commemorate these forgettable days of 1994. In a project called Writing as a duty to Remember, Diop joined nine other African writers who sought to tell the Rwandan story from different perspectives. This project took place in 1998, four years after the genocide and with people still in shock of losing their families and friends in a short span. Diop, a Senegalese, is well known and respected in Africa for his contributions in his country and the Writing as a duty to Remember project. In Murambi: The Book of Bones, Diop takes a different route to achieve what he was looking for as he makes use of different perspectives to tell his story. Though fiction, the book mentions colonialists and their effects on African communities and progress while also casting doubt on the acclamation of victimhood in the society today.
Murambi: The, Book of Bones happens through the eyes of Cornelius Uvimama, a teacher who has returned home after years in exile. Uvimama shares an experience that many Tutsis do because his entire family was massacred except his uncle whose role in the novel is also quite big. Uvimama, like any normal victim, would do, goes back home in search of the truth. He sought to understand what befell his country and why his family had to pay the price. Diop makes good use of Uvimama as well as a host of other characters as he breaks down every single bit of the novel. The storytelling is at its best, and one is able to feel all the emotions and walk with Cornelius as he delves deeper into the events before, during, and after the massacre. Slowly, it becomes clear how words can be used to spread love, make people laugh, and scream in joy can be used to induce feelings of hatred. When tempers were rising in Rwanda, the world was not paying attention. People were getting a break from the Cold War and coming to terms with the U.S. as the superpower. No one, including the world news agencies, foresaw or took time to study what was brewing in Rwanda. However, through Diop’s account, one is able to take an imaginative journey and grieve with the grieving.
One thing that stands out in the novel is Diop’s touch on the contribution the colonialists played in poisoning Africa. Having already experienced and adopted racial and discriminatory stances in their countries, colonialists saw it best to pass this onto the Africans. Things that were not evident before became increasingly visible and distinguishable. For example, the Tutsis were distinguished from the Hutus by their lighter skin complexion, the simple fact that they had long noses, as well as the fact that they were taller and slimmer than the Hutus. The colonialists made these attributes evident and thus emphasized the notion that Africans were different in their dark skins as well. Diop makes the contribution of the French apparent in the novel noting how their poisonous rhetoric and elevation of the Tutsis over the Hutus ev...
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