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A Review Of The Critical Components And Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Part I: Review the Course Goals and Learning Objectives from p. 2 of this syllabus. After you have read through these, think about which goals and objectives seem the most relevant to understanding the work you did in this course. Compose a few paragraphs discussing at least two goals and objectives you think you excelled in and learned the most from. Then, discuss at least one goal or objective you think you need to pursue deliberately in the future. Spend at least 500 words discussing these things.

Part II: Reflect on your work as a writer and researcher. Discuss your recent experience of the relationship a writer has to research and that research has to a writer. Be sure to discuss your own course work this semester (quote yourself, analyze yourself) and how the writing process and research process worked together and apart for you. What have learned most about yourself as a writer and researcher? What challenges to you anticipate you will face in upcoming courses and how will you meet them? Spend at least 500 words discussing these things. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Review and Reflection Part one: A review of the critical components and challenges Throughout the course, I came to understand in my writing that an essay highlights a composition that defends a specific opinion or position. The entire writing process must demonstrate the overall knowledge of the subject being discussed and also, it displays the insights of the writer in specific elements of that particular subject. It also allows the author to conduct relevant and additional research outside the course materials provided to help the writer’s scope of their knowledge and even clarify their argument. The two primary goals I clearly understood were focus and development during the writing process. In focus, I realized how to concentrate on a single main idea, and each paragraph within the essay highlighted the main points that will be discussed throughout the essay. In development, I was able to demonstrate the manner that every section supported and expanded on the main idea being discussed in the paper. I explained the concept of each paragraph and clearly illustrated this concept by providing proper details, examples, and descriptions from the research I carried out throughout the course. It is vital to focus on the subject at hand in the entire paper and not to deviate at any point during the writing process. Development and focus do not imply that the writing should not be repetitive but logical in a manner that the information presented will strongly and mention the arguments in the order of their relativity and significance to the topic being discussed. Losing track of the main point as I have learned throughout the course is not excusable. In the future, I will ensure that my writing as unity and coherence throughout the paragraphs. I will develop every section in the essay to mainly reflect and further describe the main idea highlighted in the introduction part of the essay. All sections as I have come to acknowledge must be relevant to the main topic of discussion. Additionally, on coherence, I will work in this area to ensure that my paper will be organized logically. It will flow smoothly and also be highly sensitive to the reader to ensure that all details in my writing will be understood easily. Part 2: Reflection In my experience, I have learned that when starting the writing process, it is essential to p...
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