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Conspiracy Theories Cause and Effect Essay

Essay Instructions:

America seems to have a conspiracy theory for everything.  They abound and incorporate our military, businesses, religion, history and government.  Secret societies that pull the strings, clandestine groups with esoteric intelligences, aliens that are lower forms of deity, mind controlling bureaucrats hell-bent on mind control, etc.  The list is somewhat endless and equally fascinating.   A handful of scholars propose that America’s construction of conspiracy theories is new, sacrosanct with the Cold-War.  In essence, a way of explaining the expansion of government housed in a level of secrecy that the average citizen was ill equipped to understand.  Others postulate that the level in which science governs our lives has fostered conspiracies meant to imbue a feeling of religious sentiment and/or potential spirituality into our daily lives.  

Whatever the roots, the conspiracy theories continue.  In this essay you will explore the causes or the effects of a conspiracy theory.  This is considered an analysis essay, hence, the thesis will not be an argumentative thesis, but rather factual; however, an argumentative element can occur towards to the end of the essay.

For example: The anti-vaccination movement has forced political activism, and has been caused by celebrity endorsements.  

For example: The anti-vaccination movement has its roots in bogus studies, and could lead to outbreaks of diseases that have been under control for years.

Ideals for the Essay:

Length : 4 to 5 Pages 

  • Standard format: 12 pt. Times New Roman, double-spaced, MLA in-text citation and works cited page, proper header on first page, last name and page number on all pages.
  • The introduction should give background information on the issue (who is concerned and why, what the perceived threat or common perception is, etc.) and provide a thesis which serves to drive the paper.
  • Think strategically about how your sources can enable the conversation you wish to have and try to make creative connections with a wide range of sources.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
There are a number of changes that I made on this paper to make sure that it is interesting to the reader. One of the first changes I made pertains the structure of the sentences. I did realize that the use of transitional words would help me move from one idea to the next. Some of the common words I have used in the essay include, however, nevertheless, in addition. These words played a great role in improving the readability of the essay. Another micro change I made to the essay include the punctuation. The punctuation of my essay was not carried out in the right way. The use of commas, full stops and apostrophes where they were needed also improved the essay. The macro changes made to the paragraph include arranging the paragraphs to make sure that there is smooth flow of the ideas. First, I had to beg...
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