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The Applicability of Confucius’ the Analects in the Modern Society

Essay Instructions:

The topic of the paper is up to you. The only requirement is that it must be on the The Analects, since it is the only text we've read so far.
The paper must be 5 pages, 12 point font, times new roman, 1 inch margins.
The paper must have a thesis, that is, an argument that you are trying to make. You should use textual evidence from the book to make said argument. I recommend you check out the Purdue OWL website as it explains the general requirements of a paper about literature very clearly.

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The Applicability of Confucius’ the Analects in the Modern Society
Good moral character is an important aspect when looking at an individual, more so when it comes to someone who has authority over the nation. In modern society, whether it is on a personal level or on a much larger scale, there are a lot of issues that contradict moral teachings and values resulting in human injustice and suffering. In relation to this, the Analects by Confucius is considered a timeless piece of literature that even serves as a pillar of philosophical, intellectual, and religious thoughts in some countries. There are a lot of positive things that may be beneficial when the people in the society abide by the teachings of Confucius such as the aforementioned virtues, however, critically viewing the scriptures reveal that it may not be as applicable to modern society as it was initially thought of. The purpose of this paper is to argue that the teachings found in the Analects of Confucius are not a suitable guide for modern times in terms of governing a nation and creating a “good” society.
Background of the Analects by Confucius
The Analects by Confucius is a compilation of the numerous teachings and concepts that were taught by Confucius to his students. Confucius is a Chinese philosopher and has been a symbol of the culture and traditions of China. After his death, these teachings were rectified and became the pillars of philosophical and intellectual thoughts especially in China and East Asian countries, and has even resulted in the foundation of Confucianism.
In the teachings of Confucius, it is evident that there is a personal touch that is based on the own life of Confucius and his spiritual and moral development as seen in this example:
At 15 I set my heart on learning; at 30 I firmly took my stand; at 40 I had no delusions; at 50 I knew the mandate of heaven; at 60 my ear was attuned; at 70 I followed my heart’s desire without overstepping the boundaries (Confucius).
Confucius promotes following the Way as a person course through life. The central theme that encompasses all the teachings in the Analects is the importance of benevolence and morality in the betterment of oneself as part of a community. The Analects heavily promotes structure and it is believed by Confucius that when each individual respect hierarchy, follows a structure and acts based on a designated role, the society will prosper harmoniously (Lai).
The Impracticality of the Concepts on Tradition, Education, and Hierarchy
The Analects cannot be considered universal due to the rigidity in terms of tradition, education, and maintaining a hierarchical organization. The people are encouraged to practice obedience especially to the traditions and authorities, and this can be a good thing assuming that there are no more improvements that can be done in the current system. However, it is evident that this is not the case in modern society and even during the time of Confucius. The emphasis on abiding by the set traditions, education, and hierarchy also contradicts the promoted pursuit of learning for social development and living according to the Way which involves self-mastery and improvement.
There is also a concept of filial piety, or the deep respect for ancestors and parents, that is part of the Analects and is even reflected in the Chinese culture. This traditional attitude can also cause an imbalance in the system of education because the level of obedience and filial piety may stump innovative thoughts and inhibit creativity due to an individual’s desire to abide by what is traditional and supported by the elders in the family.
Aside from these, there is a form of hierarchy in familial roles and societal roles. These roles dictated obligations and expectations which may affect an individual’s freedom. In a political sense, there is also a negative aspect because the one in authority is accountable and is always expected to prioritize others even if it is not beneficial for their own ...
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