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Anarchism, Terrorism, and Espionage in The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad

Essay Instructions:

Analysis assignment -
This assignment is asking you to look at Ender's Game, or The Secret Agent, or Alice in Wonderland, and is asking you to do a deep analysis of some aspect of these texts. You can choose a single text to focus on, or multiple if they add to your analysis. Your area of analysis is up to you - what interests you about how the text is written, and what aspects of the text would you like to look into further?
You can talk about how the text handles its subject matter, different aspects of the writing style, the author and his or her approach to writing, etc. You can analyze anything as long as your chosen topic gives you enough to talk about in a 4-7-page paper. You will not need outside research for this paper. All you need is the texts themselves, unless you pick a particular topic which you think would benefit from outside research. You are welcome to use your ideas from your “What do you want to analyze?” assignment, or come up with new ideas. You will be discussing these possibilities with your workshop group next class.
You will be graded on the following:
Do you have an arguable thesis statement which clearly illustrates what will be discussed in the paper?
Do your subsequent paragraphs clearly relate to proving your thesis statement? What evidence do you provide, and how is it relevant? Are you specific enough to show obvious knowledge of the texts you are discussing?
Is the grammar in order? Does it follow the basics of MLA formatting? Do your arguments make sense?
Do you construct your paper in a logical way which leads to a sufficient conclusion?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis Essay: The Secret Agent
The Secret Agent is a simple text by Joseph Conrad. The story revolves around the life of Mr. Anton Verloc who works as a spy for a country. The main themes in this text are anarchism, terrorism, and espionage. The story starts by featuring the life of Adolf Verloc who is a businessman with a shop selling pornographic materials, bric-a-brac, and contraceptives. Verloc lives with his family: Whinnie, his wife; Mother-in-law, brother-in-law (Stevie). Verloc also has friends who are considered anarchists and always watched by the government. With the novel written at a time when terrorism was increasing, writing on the theme of terrorism was a successful element of the novel. Conrad uses the literary element of symbolism to show how Verloc, the main character, manages his different circles and the results every time they intertwine.
The novel written by Conrad not only aligns with the happenings of its time but also relates with issues in the contemporary society. Currently, terrorism is on the rise and this is the reason writing on it makes it more relevant. To show that anarchism and terrorism are central to the plot of the story, Verloc is hired by an agency to orchestrate terrorism activities. The agency is to decide what and where needs to bombed and then Verloc is directed to work on it. To help in his mission, Verloc associates with people who are involved in terrorism in a certain way. According to Panichas, all Verloc’s friends are interested in anarchistic political revolution and thus are a good company for Verloc since they will help him accomplish his mission with ease (3).
Since the novel was written when terrorism was increasing, it made sense then and still does to date. It was a time when there are a number of dynamite attacks in the US and Europe. In addition, there were numerous assassinations of country’s presidents. In order to prove his theme of terrorism, Conrad is effective in using symbolism. As explained by Panichas, one of the major ways in which symbolism is evident is through circles (4). In the initial stages of the novel, the importance of circles is demonstrated. This is by having characters who are lost in trivial pursuits of happiness and peace through Stevie. For the case of Stevie, his spare time is “occupied by drawing circles with a compass and pencil on a piece of paper. He applied himself to that pastime with great industry” (Conrad 8). Even though at this point it is not clear what the relationship Stevie’s aspirations have with other characters, there is a clear symbolic process in which one task is as mundane as the rest. In this case, Conrad is successful in metaphorically developing different events in the novel as cyclical circles of chaos. This is because as the opposing factions stand, the society experiences peace, solidarity, and order. However, with the factions coming together, there is chaos.
The novel shows that Verloc is in a number of social circles. He starts as a double agent working for the Russian embassy and thus spying on anarchists while on the other hand, he maintains a covert small business. In addition, Verloc works with two other opposing circles; the police and anarchists. While he associates with major anarchists such as Comrade Ossipon, Michaeli...
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