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Effective Essay Writing: Write A Letter To Daniel Quinn

Essay Instructions:

Ishmael Letter

Write a letter to Daniel Quinn. Your letter should utilize the qualities of effective essay writing (focus, organization, support, and proper grammar/spelling). Use this opportunity to share your opinion in a scholarly and personal manner. In your letter include the following components:

•Date and salutation.

•Overall reaction/opinion of the book.

•What you felt to be the most memorable parts. (What made you sit up and take notice?)

•Specific evidence from the book to support your opinion.

•At least two questions that you have about ideas discussed in the book

•Closing and Signature


Use proper formatting and citations if necessary.

Read the book - Ishmael

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Ishmael Letter
Dear Daniel Quinn,
On Monday 20, 2019, I got a chance to read your novel Ishmael, which impressed me in a lot of ways. First of all, I liked your idea of opening this book with the narrator reading the newspaper and finding himself both intrigued and disgruntled by an advertisement. This ad indicates that a teacher is constantly looking for a student who is interested in saving the world. When I read the book further, I got to realize that the narrator has spent a big part of his life in searching for such a teacher. What makes me feel confused is why the narrator of this book is angry that no one is looking for him.
By the whole, the book is interesting except certain parts that deem to be boring and a little out of context. I loved the part in which the narrator was found to be sure that this advertisement was a hoax. However, he reaches the given address and finds an empty office space with a gorilla in a room. The gorilla looks at the narrator with strange eyes and is able to speak with him telepathically. This is the point where I concentrated more on the book because this gorilla was the teacher the narrator had been looking for.
Dear Daniel, I understand that some people would argue how a gorilla could be a teacher. However, the gorilla in your story (Ishmael) has some extraordinarily special skills and capabilities. He was found in an African jungle at a young age and had lived his life in captivity for long. This goril...
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