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The American and South African Delegations

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Negotiation Essay and Short Answers
Section 1: Essay The two major parties in the current study are the American and South African delegations. While South Africa holds that it should be allowed one among the two options to save its people from HIV/AIDS crisis without affecting the US-SA relations, the US, on the other hand, holds that international laws should be upheld, albeit with the internal decedent. American interests protect good relations with both South Africa and the pharmaceutical industry, while South Africa's interest is to save its people without severing relations with America. The bottom lines for South Africa are to either be given patents or buy drugs cheaply, while America’s bottom line is unclear. The Congressional Delegation led by Senator Bob Menendez share in the interests of the pharmaceutical industries within their states and, therefore, support the position that South Africa should uphold international law or face sanctions. On the other hand, State Department supports good relations with South Africa and see no reason why South Africa should be punished for trying to protect her people. These are examples of supporters. On the other hand, Ratifiers are those who vote to either adopt or reject the terms of a collective agreement. These are the key members of the SA and US delegates in the commission in this case. Closers are skilled at bringing political or commercial deals to a satisfactory conclusion. In this case, these are Thabo Mbeki and Al Gore. ZOPA refers to the Zone Of Possible Agreement. Also called the bargaining range, ZOPA is where two or more parties in a negotiation may find common ground. It is where parties are more likely to compromise and strike a deal. In the current case, there is no ZOPA because while it is a matter of life and death for one party (SA), it is a matter of protecting international laws and the pharmaceutical industry. No side would or should deceive. The complex nature of the situation makes deceiving unwelcome and unnecessary. All sides, including interested parties, hold genuine positions and interests based on their beliefs and perception of reality or humanity. For instance, the WTO and Department of Commerce want to protect international law while pharmaceuticals are looking to protect their bottom lines from research and development costs. The most likely emotions in the negotiations will be mainly from the South African side, where it is a matter of life and death of people en masse. This is the main push behind the need to have patents lifted or buy drugs at a lower price. Those involved, like Gore, will be painted as 'greedy for money at the expense of South African lives' while Thabo Mbeki might impede his prospects at the presidency when Nelson Mandela leaves the helm. Further, Gore does not want to lose the pharmaceutical industry's support in his upcoming presidential bid.     Section 2: Short Answers 21. What is the difference between"interest " and positions"Why is the distinction important for negotiations Please give illustrative examples of each Positions are surface statements of where a party in a negotiation stands. On the other hand, interests explain why the party is choosing its stand. They are the party's underlying values, incentives, leverages, and motivations. For instance, South Africa's position is to bypass TRIPS while its interest is to provide its people with drugs, avoid sanctions, and retain a good relationship with the US. 22. The primary job of a negotiator is to sow doubt in the other side." Explain this statement. Give a few examples of how a negotiator might attempt to do this. Why is the other side's perception important? The statement implies that a negotiator's work is to cause the other side to rethink its position. A negotiator may attempt to do this by leveraging their advantages or strengths against the other side. The other side's perception is important because it shapes their interests, resulting in a position. 23. How do you decide whether/when to drive a hard bargain to maximize your benefit versus making efforts to maintain your relationship with the other party? Please use illustrative example The decision whether to make to drive hard at a ...
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