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Understanding the Various Expressions of Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Read: Underutilization of Roman Catholic Archives on South Western Zimbabwe


View: African Christianity Rising: Ghana (1 hr)



1. Underutilization: article: Zimbabwe

What 3 points in this article reflect the goal of this course and understanding the various expressions of Christianity?

Please explain and link to what we have studied.

2. Your response to specific points in the film:

What was intriguing? Explain and make sure you cite the time on the film.

What bothered you? Why? Explain; cite the time

Choose three points from the film and offer a comment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. Underutilization: article: Zimbabwe
What 3 points in this article reflect the goal of this course and understanding the various expressions of Christianity?
The first point raised in the article is the importance and value placed upon interpretation. Christianity, just like other religions, based its penetration to the larger population on its interpretation by these people. As an individual, too, it is vital to have a personal interpretation of the scriptures and the goals of Christianity before embracing it. Interpretations are based on meaning and relationships (Mahamba, 2016). Upon these interpretations, one can understand the various expressions of Christianity.
The second point is the initial perception about non-Christians by the Christians. There was a previous perception and bias against non-believers. In the article, the missionaries perceived that Africans were backward in culture and lifestyle. This made it quite a task to embrace them while also making them embrace Christianity. The third point raised in the article is the portrayal of Christianity through the lens of one party only and not the other. Christianity spreads through evangelism. The evangelical aspect of Christianity depends on a positive view of the religion from both the evangelists and the people themselves.
2. Your response to specific points in the film:
What was intriguing? Explain and make sure you cite the time on the film.
It is intriguing to learn from the video that it was the Africans who were the least expected to convert to Christianity and embrace it in masses (13:50-13:55). This is because they were perceived to be entrenched in their traditional African religions. Presently, much of the African continent, especially sub-Sahara, is Christian. Even more intriguing is the fact that Africans embrac...
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